I never got around to grabbing one when they were available. If someone has one they’re willing to part with let me know. Grey anodizing would be my first preference.
You may send a message to Hank he may still have some laying around.
Was wondering the other day if the D1S would ever be restocked or if they’re gone for good.
Of course the Noctigon K1 just dropped, but it’s a bigger light and twice the price.
Good luck with your search.
I can’t believe that never occurred to me. lol Just sent him an email. Thank you!
Thanks. I’m sure some will pop up on the secondary market here and there.
International outdoor has them stocked for $35.
They have had the D1 on sale for $35 for awhile. I don’t see the D1S, do you have a link?
If you ask Hank about the D1S, let me know how it goes. I would be interested to buy one in grey, too. It’s a pity that the D1S is sold out and the Noctigon K1 is not quite a replacement for it.
The ad:
What are the differences between the D1/D1S?
I have a D1, and luv it.
D1S has a much bigger head/reflector. D1 is a more pocketable thrower.
Huge difference in throw?
I like the heft of throw in such a small package like the D1.
I don’t know what is considered a huge difference but here is ToyKeeper’s review of the lights:
Hey, thanks! Anon.
I own the D1 and D1S. It’s a huge difference.
I posted some beamshot comparisons in TK’s review thread mentioned above.
I’ll put his reply up here.
Notice that there is no option to purchase it any longer.
From his reply…
Yup, wanted a D1S and did not get around to it either. The new K1 looks good, but is not what I am after. I have the D1 and the D4V2 and the D1S fits the need for a little more throw with out going overboard.
Many thanks, Kindle. Did he say if he will start to produce them again or if it is a limited left-over?
This sounds good……I also missed out on D1S

Many thanks, Kindle.
Did he say if he will start to produce them again or if it is a limited left-over?
After checking the site a couple of times and still not seeing them I sent Hank another email inquiring about the situation.
This was the reply…
Hi, F,
We have some supply issue which I’m afraid the D1S is discontinued.
Sorry for the issue.Regards,
So as of right now it appears they are finished.
Which brings us back to the initial post….if someone has an extra they’d like to part with feel free to shoot me an IM.