I suggested to the seller that he post his offer for adoption, to the RRT-01 Triple LED group buy thread that pinkpanda links to above. Im available to answer questions and to share info about glow gasket and control ring packing upgrades…
since I put some nyogel 767a into the control ring of my pandamod triple sw45 Original RRT-01, it has been dialing buttery smooth… its a joy to use
theres a bit more to it… nothing is “just” a simple repack… a repack moves the light into a whole new quality level of ring feel… think, buttery smooth, like a nikon lens…
details like including working in extra lube around the edges of the ring, and spending quality time fidgeting with the ring… etc… will burnish the contact areas to eliminate gritty spots and create a deliciously smooth, one finger dialing experience. Don’t forget the locktite
fwiw, this thread
Time to Mod the Jetbeam RRT-01
has a list of most of the parts used to mod the Original RRT-01 into a High CRI Nichia configuration. Also, as a reference, It also links to the spacer dimensions for a Triple LED mod here… I hope it helps people mod the Original RRT-01 host with some nice LEDs, beams, and dials. Rumor has it the RRT-01 is makes a great Dad Light… iow, very muggle friendly…lol
equal time
the New 2019 RRT-01 also is being built as a triple, scroll back a page to see a nice one…
for those who dont mod, I think Vinh will do a triple if you ask also… here are videos of his mods
I want to thank you for sharing that lead
thanks to your information I have done two group buys and purchased a total of 30 NOS Original RRT-01 light. They are being redistributed through BLF membership internationally, including Singapore, Germany, Holland, Croatia, Great Brittain, Australia, and USA
You can blame me for being the head instigator, but I stand on the shoulders of giants that have contributed skill, research and info about modding parts and supplies. Two of the standouts are pinkpanda and moderator007, to whom I remain eternally grateful for your sharing information, support and encouragement.
Others I credit, with respect, for helping me appreciate the unique benefits of the magnetic rotary UI, include Archibald Tuttle, Tip and Ring, and Fireclaw18
I also want to thank MascaratumB for starting this thread, whithout which I would not have been led to purchasing my first Original RRT-01, thanks to a kind BLF member classified.
there are many more people I could name, most of them are in this thread, that have been kind and helped me with support and encouragement, and some even sent me money… lol
thank you all for the community effort to bring more Rotary lights into circulation
about brass
what cools better,
copper star to aluminium pill, to titanium body (tcr-1)
copper star to brass pill, to aluminium body? (2019 RRT-01)
about lvp
I just tested 2019 RRT-01 driver w triple sw45:
I used depleted cr123 for the low voltage tests
440 lumens @ 3.8v 18350
380 lumens @ 4.0v 16340, I also get 380 w single sw30
170 lumens @ 2.8v CR123
15 lumens @ 2.6v CR123
there was no LVP,
the light just steps down to whatever it can do at any given voltage
but there is plenty of visual warning, by dimming and brightness step downs of the light.
more and more of the dial on the high end of the scale becomes non responsive, and creates no change in brightness
by the time the voltage is below 3 volts, the light is half as bright as on a full charge. I notice that.
a less experienced muggle, would notice the light when its only putting out 15 lumens, and that would not be below 2.5v…
so, for an operator who literally is not asleep, the dimming is obvious, before the battery is in serious overdischarge voltage, below 2.5v
I did not see the flashies you found at 3.0v, just step downs
but I liked learning that the light is going to have to get ridiculously dim, before Im in overdischarge territory… cause I like to use 18350 and only unprotected fit the Original RRT-01