Im still happy with the Original RRT-01, and they are still available
I dont plan to buy the 2019 or 2020 versions, but I do recommend them, for someone interested in the StepLess Rotary experience, if they choose not to buy the Original RRT-01.
The 2019 has the advantage of being able to use Protected 18350, that dont fit in the Original.
otoh, the 2019 is fatter and heavier… but it works fine…
The 2020 adds a tailswitch, and other battery types, presumably including AA Eneloop, for the prepper in me… LOL
This is a very good time to be a Stepless Rotary buyer. We have new options that span the rotaries of yesteryear, including shades of the Sunwayman V10a and V11r, plus the RRT-01.
the 2019 model has strobe
it is the same driver as in a NiteEye Eye10
I like it, they are available separately, and they fit the Original too.
the advantages of the Original include, smaller, lighter, and there is a reflector upgrade available for use with 219b, thanks to moderator007.
Specific details on the replacement reflectors for the Original in this post.