Ahah, I guess we both can live with that burden on my back
Happy owners won’t comply
It surely did and I’m pretty happy with that as well

I note on page 1, that CRX mantions he modded an 18350 to add protection to an IMR cell.
I see now that protected 1200mAh 18350 are available. I plan to try one.
I guess CRX is the best person to explain about that mod, I will only be able to provide the “final” version of the battery in comparison with Keeppower and Aspire!

here is a review of the protected 1200mAh IMR. It is 5mm longer, but Im pretty sure its going to fit in the RRT-01… stay tuned to next weeks installment of…
Hum…I don’t know if I would be that sure jon, please note that we don’t know what’s in the interior bottom of the flashlight! It may not have the space to fit a protected Keepower, that are really long!! I take as comparison the Wuben 16340 battery (protected) that is much longer than the normal 16340s, including the Olight 16340 (from S1R Baton 1)

Whats it got in its pocketses?
Too much wish to get one of these…and so few money to do that :weary: