Hi, does anybody have any SC31T Pros they’re willing to sell? Looks like that model was discontinued after I bought one in November… tried to order a few more on Amazon but they changed the listing so I ended up getting the SC31 Pro which doesn’t have the tail switch. I really like having both a tail switch and the Anduril UI and can’t seem to find any other lights that fill that niche. Thanks in advance.
That’s not the “Pro” model. I don’t see any listing for “SC31T Pro” on AliExpress.
Oh, my mistake. I didn’t realize there was another version of the SC31T.
Yeah, it seems like it must have been a short run or something. I don’t understand because it seems like such a useful model. I like having all the power of Anduril (well, a simplified version anyway), but it takes too long to find the side switch in the dark and I just want to be able to quickly pull it out of my pocket and click the tail switch. I use it all the time for work.
Does anyone know if you can take a tail switch from something like the SC31T and pop it on the SC31 Pro? Sofirn support said something about “this is not allowed, it may cause poor contact”, but that doesn’t make sense to me. I have a tail switch from the SC31T and it shows exactly the same electrical characteristics as the tail switch from my SC31T Pro. I don’t have the SC31 Pro at the moment to test it on, but the only reason I can think of why the tail switch might not work on the SC31 Pro is if the controller is not programmed to turn the emitter on as soon as it receives power.
I have 4 SC31 Pro and I can tell you that the emitter doesn’t turn on until you press the side switch.
That being said if the SC31T Pro has Anduril you can probably flash the SC31 driver with SC31T Pro firmware to correct that.
I have a SC31T Pro that I might be willing to part with. The LED was an AWFUL green so I replaced it with an XM-L2 U3 5000K LED. I don’t think it’s as bright but the tint is way way better. If you’re interested send me a PM.
Thanks for the info. I might try changing the firmware on a SC31 Pro then, is the SC31T Pro firmware open source and released by the manufacturer? Or would I have to adapt Anduril to work with that light?
I haven’t seen SC31T Pro firmware listed anywhere.
If you have one, you could read/save the firmware from that light.
Some things I just thought of that will complicate things:
The SC31 Pro has 2 different drivers.
The older one uses a T85 MCU the new one uses a T1616 MCU.
On the T85 version you’d need to remove the driver in order to Read/Flash it.
The T1616 version has the 3 flashing pads so no disassembly required.
With that said, the firmware from a T85 driver isn’t compatible with a T1616 driver so if your SC31T Pro has a T85 the SC31 Pro would also need to have a T85.
With all that said I cannot guarantee there isn’t a hardware difference between the SC31 Pro and SC31T because I’ve never seen one.
My SC31T Pro does have flashing pads so I’ll look into dumping the firmware and flashing to the SC31 Pro if it has the same MCU. Thanks!
Save the SC31 Pro firmware first, just incase you need to revert back to it.
I didn’t know there was pro version. Here’s rhe SC31T non-pro for $13 if that helps at all. The price fluctuates so if it goes back up to around $18 it may drop again later.