June 8, 2022, 5:44pm
I have a lot of parts for these platforms lying around and would like to put together some complete lights so they get some use.
I am looking for SF compatible:
E and C series parts including bodies and bezels (already have enough tailcaps and switches unless it is something cool or uncommon)
P60 drop-ins (preferably that can use primaries or rechargeables)
You could check out Lumens Factory. They have a lot of good parts and drop-ins.
June 9, 2022, 2:32am
Thanks for the suggestion. I am aware of them and all of the other aftermarket parts manufacturers. I figured that I would check first if anyone has parts that they are not using.
Big help would be listing where you at.
Shipping internationally would be expen$ive, domestically less so, local just gas money to get there.