thanks, but not foursevens hcri 219b. it is nice, but reading too many issues with the switch going on so easily.
it will be for shirt pocket use most of the time.
anything else?.
anyone can mod me something AAA AA cr123a with a clip
thanks, but not foursevens hcri 219b. it is nice, but reading too many issues with the switch going on so easily.
it will be for shirt pocket use most of the time.
anything else?.
anyone can mod me something AAA AA cr123a with a clip
I can do some modding for you if you want, i’m not too far from you.
What light are you looking at?
Do you know a supplier of bare Nichia 219B’s? I’m thinking of upgrading my Nichia 219 1x14500 triple.
Xeno E03 is a pretty good light. EDC+ seems to be out of them though. sbflashlights has a couple of models, clip optional:
Unfortunately, no. I bought some from Kaidomain, star mounted, I took the 1mm thick stars, easy to desolder leds
+1 on Xeno E03
hi kind thanks.
what could you suggest as a small pocket light with a pocket clip?.
mainly in the top shirt pocket.
something what could accept the N219B HCRI well.
was thinking a fenix LD01.
Were the 219B from KD confirmed as being actual High CRI emitters? It thought the jury was still out on those.
KD 219b test thread: testing two of KD's new Nichia 219b leds (4500K'92CRI' and 5500K)
that’s what I read too on them being uncertain on HCRI.
They are high CRI though. I bought a few and whilst the colour balance is slightly different to the original 219As (the 219Bs are cooler and so emphasise red less), I would say they are certainly high CRI and personally believe KDs listing of them as 92min.
thanks for that.
I agree with RedForest (I better. He knows a lot more about tint and cri). I'm very impressed with the new emitter. I think it is my new my favorite emitter, but the 219A still has a special place in my heart (Don't want to emotionally scar the fellow on Valentine's Day).
219B is whiter right?.
i like the 219A because its a little more maybe soothing….maybe.
Yes. I am fond of the rosy tint of the 219A too. The B looks white with no obvious tint to me. It's not cold feeling though, but it is more "clinical" feeling compared to the A. The B can produce more lumens. Nice to have both so you can use the one that you prefer at the time.
wow what a great explanation right there.
that’s really good. your spot, spot on there.
the B is very clinically!.
the A is very calming - zzzz
thanks lots…
How does the KD 219B look outside?
The thing I liked about the IS 219A was that it was the only LED that didn’t look obviously artificial outdoors. Every other LED looked clearly fake in comparison.
i would think the 219b being 92cri would be just as good as the 219a at 92 outdoors too.
no difference , just tint.
good question. I have not compared side to side, but I think I like the B better outside. It's complicated by the fact that the B can put out more lumens. I used the B last night to check on our chicken coop. I really liked how clear everything seemed.
I looking forward to these being readily available. I would like to put some in a multi emitter light.
EDIT: fixed typo. Accidentally left out the word "not".