Hello there. I lost my flashlight while out hiking. I even went back three times to look for it with no luck. I would really like to get another one since I really liked the switch function. If you have one you wont mind parting with or know where to get one I’d really appreciate it. Thank you.
While I don't have the Surefire L1 Digital Lumamax, I do have a stock Surefire E2E. The only modification to it is that I had the tail cap upgraded w/ a McClicky. I also have a Surefire E2L that's been completely modified, if you're interested, the tail cap has been upgraded w/ a McClicky switch, the body has been bored out to accept an18650 and has an extra-long pocket clip. The head bored out, has a custom copper pill embedded within; the driver is an MTN-17DD; Noctigon Triple LED MCPCB w/ 3 Nichia NVSL219C D280's. The Nichia's have a temperature of 5000k and a CRI of 80+. The inside of the head is lined w/ neon green glow in the dark tape, providing it with an ambiance once the light is powered off. The Carclo 10507 lens has had its legs slightly bored out to allow for the installation of tritium vials (not included) and a copper ring has been machined and is sitting between the body and top of the lights head as can be seen in the pictures.
Let me know if you, or anyone else, have questions or are interested in either or both lights. Thanks!
The Modified Surefire E2L (This includes a before/after sequence where I took a dark situation, from the 15th story of a beach condo and lit up the beach far below w/ the modified Surefire E2L)
The Stock Surefire E2E: