WTB UltraFire T90 SST-90 3x26650

I want to buy UltraFire T90 SST-90 3x26650 Flashlight, not UltraFire UF-T90 4 x Cree XM-L U2.
Review: Review: UltraFire T90 SST-90 3x26650 Flashlight from Wallbuys (Picture Heavy)

Good Luck! They are quite expensive now? I have one, would buy another IF I could find another good deal? :-/

It no longer sold on any website. :frowning:

I think it was “WINDYFIRE” website I seen them on, $139.00 plus $75.00 shipping? Yeah RIGHT!

Fast Tech say’s in stock? http://kaidomain.com/product/details.S024577 https://www.fasttech.com/products/1/10004688/1360702-trustfire-t90-2-luminus-sst-90-5-mode-2500-lumen-w

Trustfire SST-90 X6 is not too hard to find.

Thank you for info, KawiBoy1428.
I search with “UltraFire T90” keyword. I’m so stupid. :smiley:

Your welcome!