I’m confused why this is happening, they obviously want it to be mistaken for ultrafire, but whats the point of knocking off a disgraced brand

The names just crack my up!

I’m thinking of buying one of each and opening an ‘Ultra Fart’ museum.



Those must be the ones filled with flour

Those two were part of a torch/charger/battery set, -

When I complained about the LED being different to the one advertised they gave me half my money back and sent me another torch, same as the first one.
You might notice that the charger plugs into the body of the torch, within a week of getting the second one I realised that I had potentially two pipe bombs and haven’t used them since, the batteries went to the local battery recycling bin.
I probably should have opened up the batteries and found out what was inside them but I knew enough to know I didn’t know enough if you see what I mean.
I can only assume that is just for the sake of more profits.

How about some truth in advertising? “ChargerFire” or “HouseFire” anyone?

Can’t understand why anyone would buy a battery with flames as part of it’s logo. :open_mouth:

And the name Ultrafire. They won’t just catch fire normally, they will do it spectacularly. But I guess they couldn’t spell spectacularly and SpectacFire would have looked a bit strange.

I’m just waiting for Pinicsonic, Panicsonic or yoyo eneloops.


Long burn-time :stuck_out_tongue:

These Chinese junk makers are gone off the deep end. It almost like they sound desperate now to sell as much of these cloned junk from other cloned junk, they are throwing whatever letters they grab from the English alphabet they grab. They probably don’t even know what these letters or words even mean or say, to them its just a bunch of “scribbled lines” trying to make a word that looks like a word they see on another cheap trash battery brand name used re-wrapped cell they recovered from collecting recycled dead battery packs to try to sell them and get a small morsel of that huge Chinese junk-product market.

These cells only work with a ‘Magnetic control ring of fire’ :bigsmile:



Most of the market wouldnt have a clue, until I came here I didnt (still dont really). Its easy for each distributor to go with something that seems to sell, and steal that name, or something that to them appears similar. You could tell people all day long dont touch X brand, and all they will remember months later when they see them is someone told them about that brand, and more than likely lean toward it as the brand to choose, not avoid, especially when a lot cheaper than say a Sanyo or Panasonic protected, and claiming to be better capacity. Most peoples eyes glaze over when you talk of torches, even if they exclaim when you fire it up, they still just want to hear they can get it at some local store.

We’re an odd bunch.

Can’t see anything wrong it’s just a

Dyslexic chinese type setter at the the battery label print factory

He’s probably already been sent for re education :open_mouth:

Maybe they just have a sense of humor and feel obligated to give us a laugh.

It’s like counterfeiting a 1$ bill, if you’re going to go to the trouble why not do 100’s :smiley:

And his organs saved a few lives too.

Does that come with some flaming hot sauce?

filled with gasoline with built in “strikes anywhere” match?
we do have a whateverfire hall of shame thread here somewhere.

Actually I had exactly one of those (Ultrofite) and it worked alright. I put it in the Opus charger and it measured I believe it was 1250 mAh, not any worse than any other cheap chinese 18650. I had it without use in a box for half a year and it kept its charge fine. I gave it (with the necessary warnings) to Hestbech recently.

Oh, and Krono posted about this brand before: