Triple XPL
Carclo optics bored for XPL
AR glass
LD-2 driver with moonlight
5.5A at tailcap
Custom made copper pill
NTC sensor for step down when too hot (can be removed)
My first LD-2 driver build, the pocket rocket!
A Convoy S8 triple XPL V5 2A LD-2 driver, solid copper pill, carclo optics w/AR glass (bored for XPL)
It was a frustrating build! The NTC sensor was a pain, and the parts to enable moonlight are tiny!
Does the NTC-resistor do its job properly: stepping down when you think it is really needed, not early, not late? Where did you stick it? And does it show any driver overtemperature shut-offs before the external temperature sensing cause a step-down? (I had that in my LD2 prototype build when the battery was completely full)
The NTC sensor is a pain, in a single emitter light maybe not so much, but this heats up quick, I tested it and it cuts of at 50C it’s about 50-60 seconds.
It’s is hot when it cuts off though so I suppose it’s doing its job
Just done another LD-2 mod in a convoy X3, it’s works a lot better, the heat isn’t an issue due to the higher mass and single emitter I don’t think this is the driver you want if your going for a ‘pocket rocket’ style tube light, they heat up far too fast and the driver will step down quite quickly, unless you leave out the NTC sensor!
6Amps with triple XP-L and high current battery is pretty hard for driver,dissipation on highest mode is pretty high(see some of my calculations in info thread). Driver could handle that if it's cooled well enough,without any kind of improvements driver can handle around ~2Watts of dissipation,your setup causes higher dissipation on max. that 2W.Did you use some kind of thermal improvements between driver-pill?
Second problem,could you please check this:
To me, it looks like a short,please check that with multimeter.If there is a short,that would explain weird behavior, driver WILL work without NTC (of course if you don't connect NTC you wouldn't have external overtemp protection).
Thanks, I might cut the NTC wire later and see if it works, it works at the moment with the NTC connected.
There is a thermal pad on the pill and the driver touches it, the driver is effectively connected to a big chunk of copper with a thermal pad between, it is not a hollow pill it has some mass