Just got it today. It has the ice-blue trit installed. 219b sw45k. I will include the 320mAh 10440 as well. Also I will go ahead and just throw in a 4 pack of 350mAh EBL 10440s
$60 shipped in the USA. Sale Pending
Update: I managed to break the pocket clip. . . so that happened. If you are still interested, Rey is sending me a replacement clip, but it will be a couple weeks. I can send you the clip when I get it, but I figure if it’s gonna take that long you might as well just order one from Rey directly. Sorry everyone.
Hmm… make it 50? Rey ran out of stock on these like one or two days ago that’s why I’m trying to hop on this soon. It’s either this or a copper one from Banggood which will be 3 weeks anyway lol