WTS : USB-UPDI Programmers for Attiny1616/AVR32DD20 drivers (Sofirn/Wurkkos/Fireflylite/Emisar)

@thefreeman I’d like to order a flashing adapter, would you please send me a PM?

Thank you @thefreeman for the adapter

3 Thanks

PM sent

Hello @thefreeman,

I’m interested in the flashing adapter for Attiny1616, is it still possible to buy one?

Hi, yes, I sent a MP.

Hello @thefreeman,

I would love to buy one of your adapters please…

Sure, MP sent.

I would like to update my TS10 & TS11 to the newest Anduril 2.
Is it possible to buy an adapter?
Adpter + android phone is everything I need?
Thank you!

Good evening @thefreeman ,
I would like to buy another adapter, after breaking my first one. Are there any still available?


I would also like to buy one adapter (or two if in stock) with shipping to Germany.


PMs sent.


I would like to order a flashing kit from @gchart. I live in the US. Thanks!

You can alternatively use a computer instead of the phone, otherwise you just need a USB-C cable.

I think I will try it with a phone and a usb c cable. Sounds like the easiest way for a newbie like me :slight_smile:

I’d love to buy an adapter please, based in the UK! (Tried to send a PM but it wouldn’t let me!)

Hi there @ndsn , a warm welcome to you!

I just increased your account permissions so you can send PMs.

3 Thanks

I hope you enjoy your stay, ndsn!

1 Thank

I PM’d @gchart a few days ago to also inquire about ordering an adapter. He said that he had recently run out, but was expecting a new supply any day.

Since you’re new and won’t have PM privelages quite yet, I’ll send him a PM on your behalf to express your interest. However, please be patient for a response from him as I know he’s busy!

@sb56637. If possible, perhaps you could extend the same courtesy to @Dav as was given to @ndsn for the purpose of contacting @gchart. Thank you for the consideration!

2 Thanks

Ah OK, thanks for letting me know. I just checked @Dav’s permissions and his account was automatically upgraded by the system and he should be able to send PMs now.

2 Thanks

Received mine and flashed with Zflasher two TS10 and one Sofirn SP10 Pro. Great idea the led for light up the pads. Works perfect!

1 Thank