WTS : USB-UPDI Programmers for Attiny1616/AVR32DD20 drivers (Sofirn/Wurkkos/Fireflylite/Emisar)

I want an adapter too. I’ll be happy to wait a few weeks. Please PM with payment information when the time comes. Thanks in advance.

Mine arrived yesterday.



I got one of these. Reflashed my ts10 and sp10 Pro. Very pleased.

No drivers apparently, Maybe Windows 7 doesn’t have integrated CH340 drivers ? On windows 10 it’s plug and play.
Clic update driver and see if it finds them by itself, otherwise download CH340 drivers for example : CH340G converter Windows 7 driver download | arduined.eu (haven’t tested) and install, if it’s just a bunch of files, clic update drivers and point to the folder containing the files.

Mine arrived too.


Win7 will download and install drivers automatically, if set for auto search and install, if not, you’ll have to do it manually.

Got one today, perfect tool and nicely made :+1:

Thanks for the concise instructions which enticed me to attempt this for the first time.

I purchased an inexpensive Android tablet (since I only had a MacBook and iPhone) and successfully flashed my Sofirn SP10 Pro within a minute of opening the envelope containing the adapter mailed from forum member gchart (I live in the USA).

I could not find a manual or instructions for ZflasherAVR on the web and was wondering:

1) Can I create a backup file before flashing a new version by selecting "Read" as the "Action" and entering a file name in the "HEX file" field which ends in ".hex" but does not yet exist and will this newly created file be written into the Android "Downloads" directory?

And if I need to provide a full or relative path name for the hex file, is there a "common universal directory path name" I can use for files in the Android "Downloads" directory that should be prepended to the hex file's name?

2) If "Verify" is selected as the "Action" does it just compare the "HEX file" listed to what is currently flashed?

3) If "Rewrite" is selected as the "Action" how does that differ from "Write"?

4) What do the "Auto" and "Test" buttons accomplish for flashing operations or are they only for other operations that I may never use?

Thanks again.

1) Yes, select “read” and enter a filename and location in the file selection. The file will be created in the directory you’ve chosen.

2) It reads the flash and compares it to the selected file.

3) Don’t know.

4) I guess “auto” tries to automatically detect the microcontroller model from its signature. “Test” will test the connection without actually writing anything to the flash.

Thanks for the info SammysHP.

This is all new to me and I was hesitant to experiment and accidentally brick one of my Sofirn SP10 Pros or Wurkkos TS10s, even though I have extras and could sacrifice one of them.

I've been studying the Anduril source code and are considering purchasing an inexpensive laptop so I can use a Linux software development environment to create a personal branch for customized hex files since my belief is that this would be easier than trying to do it on my MacBook.

My first project (and I would not mind if someone else beat me to it) would be to add a "10H" option to the battery check function which would calibrate the voltage using a battery of a known voltage:

I do not have the background to easily understand all of this, but it has become a pleasant distraction that keeps my elder mind occupied and limits the time I spend worrying about and dwelling upon other issues in my life and the world.

I previously had successfully updated two Sofirn SP10 Pros from "2022 04 18 0631" to "2022 10 21 0631" using the exact instructions provided by forum member "thefreeman".

But when I attempted to update a third one slightly differently, I had the following results:

First I clicked on the "Test" button and received a message that the operation completed successfully.

Then I selected "Read" for the Action without entering anything in the HEX file field and the operation completed successful and created a file named "flash-t1616.hex" in the Android downloads directory.

Then with "flash-t1616.hex" showing as the HEX file, I selected "Verify" for the Action and this operation completed successfully.

At some point before trying to re-flash (I'm not sure exactly if or where), I believe I may have clicked the "Auto" button and I believe nothing appeared to happen. I do not accurately remember the details about this part because at the time it did not seem significant, but maybe it was, and I don't remember for sure if I was just thinking about clicking the "Auto" button or if I actually did; so I am mentioning it for complete disclosure because I may have clicked that button and I'm guessing that I probably did.

My problems started when I selected a different HEX file, which was the one I had previously used to successfully update two SP10 Pros to "2022 10 21 0631".

After I pressed "Go" With the proper HEX file listed and "Write" selected for the Action, I received the error message "Programmer not found".

Also, the "red power LED" on the flashing adapter (received from forum member gchart) is lighted up, but only until I press the adapter's pogo pins into the index holes on the flashing pads, where the adapter's power LED then turns off, unlike it's previous behavior where it always stayed on and I always get the message "Programmer not found" when I attempt different Actions (except I have not tried the "Rewrite" Action).

Also this SP10 Pro no longer works anymore. It seems completely dead with both NiMH and Li-ion batteries.

After this experience, I was able to successfully update a different (my forth) SP10 Pro from "2022 04 18 0631" to "2022 10 21 0631" using the proper HEX file and the exact instructions from forum member "thefreeman", so I don't believe there are any issues with the flashing adapter, my USB-C to USB-C cable, my tablet's USB OTG port, or my technique.

I uninstalled ZflasherAVR from my tablet, powered the tablet off and on, re-installed ZflasherAVR, but I still get the same behavior when attempting to use the flashing adapter on that particular SP10 Pro.

I'm hesitant on trying the same experiment which seemed to brick that third SP10 Pro on any of the other SP10 Pros I still want to update.

I would appreciate any advice or suggestions to try on the SP10 Pro that appears to be bricked and that could possibly restore it's functionality. The issues I don't understand are why the power LED on the flashing adapter turns off whenever it is in contact with the flashing pads and what is causing the "Programmer not found" error message. I'm also really curious what the "Auto" button actually does and if clicking it could have cause this problem or what else may have caused it.


I don’t know if it’s relevant but user khas messaged me this the other day :

Personnally I have only used the programming function.

I’ve copied over th firmware from one flashlight to another several times without issues. Flashing an empty file shouldn’t brick the MCU, but it might draw unexpected current without the proper port config. In that case the driver would draw more current than the USB port can deliver via the flashing adapter. Often it is enough to switch to a lower voltage like 3.3 V. That’s not easy with the all-in-one flashing adapter, though.

Available again.

Mine arrived

Thanks, Tools arrived to … hope next week for a first test ;-)

Glad to hear it :+1:

I received the package today. It took 6 days from France to Korea. Pretty impressive speed for an air mail without tracking!

The flashing adapter worked well and I successfully reflashed my TS10 and SP10 Pro. I followed the instruction and it was straight forward.

Reflashing one flashlight only took about 10 seconds. It was quick and easy on my Windows laptop. It was nice that portable version of the software was available so I didn’t have to install any program on my laptop.

Thank you for making the adapter available!

— References —

Instructions for Windows (AVRDUDESS, WTS : Flashing adapters for Attiny1616 (Sofirn/Wurkkos) - #2 by thefreeman ) :

  1. Download AVRDUDESS ( AVRDUDESS – A GUI for AVRDUDE | Zak’s Electronics Blog ~* , Portable version works fine) and execute avrdudess.exe
  2. in “programmer” select SerialUPDI, for the COM port open Windows Device Manager and check the COM port for the CH340 adapter (mine was COM3).
  3. in “MCU” select Attiny1616
  4. in “Flash” select your .hex file, place the pogo pins on the pads then hit “Program!”.

gchart hex files were downloaded from :

That was fairly quick indeed.