WTS : USB-UPDI Programmers for Attiny1616/AVR32DD20 drivers (Sofirn/Wurkkos/Fireflylite/Emisar)

Receive mine today
Already flash ts10 and sp10 pro
Everything okay
Thefabrication quality of the key is top notch
Packager in antistatic bag

Do you ship to Canada? If so, I’d be interested! Have a few LT1s Pro coming that I’ll need to flash :slight_smile:

Yes I can ship to Canada, same price.

1 Thank

Received mine no problemo, awesome service Mr Free!

1 Thank

that’s great, thanks.

1 Thank

I take one, too.

I would like to get one flashing adapter.

Kind regards,

My flashing adapter has arrived. Thanks @thefreeman :+1:
Works as expected, I have just updated my SP10 Pro with it.

Now, if only manufacturers would all use the same flashing pad layout…
(SC21 Pro :man_facepalming:)

1 Thank

How much to the good old Los angeles?

It’s the same price to anywhere, but in the US go with @gchart , it should be less.

Its not about the money… Its about sending a message… to the controller. All so yours has extra pads. and the light…

I have one made specifically for the SC21 Pro (drat that one-off layout!). Unfortunately shipping outside the US is expensive (like USD $16).

Was there enough demand for a production run of those ?

New ones from Gchart have the right angle light, it was his idea after all. But I don’t know if he added header holes.

Ehh, I made up a batch of 30 and have shipped out about half of them. I figured at least for the good of the community I could make some up.

3 Thanks

Ok, more than I thought.
There has been maybe 3~4 demands for me.

I got mine yesterday. Shipping to Germany was really quick.

It worked like a charm and it was totally easy to flash my Wurkkos TS25 with Zflasher AVR.

1 Thank

No header pads on some recent ones I got.

Do you happen to have a layout for the Q8 Plus?

I would like one for the standard pin set up.

Sure, PM incoming!

Sorry, no. Unfortunately Sofirn has been coming up with their own flashing pad arrangements and I can’t keep making new adapters every time. I’ve been talking with Barry/Sofirn. Hopefully they will listen going forward.

2 Thanks

I guess if I get one (I was just thinking theoretically) I’ll just rewire a Hanklight adapter.