WTS/WTT Fenix tk35 and dereelight DBS (dereelight sold)

Russ, I know where you’re coming from in principle but it seems to me the only one with authority to tell anywhere to stay out of a thread is sb. Maybe they do that in the other place, but not here. And you, with a mere 46 posts to your name! Tsk tsk tsk…

That looks like a nice light there Russ, I hope you enjoy it.

Agree with DBC, plus its not like I was bashing the seller, merely questioning his light since its not something we have ever seen before. Its like someone selling a gold plated P25, no one has ever seen one but doesnt mean someone couldnt have plated one. Photos or it never happened, live by it when trusting someone word online.

I could claim I own anything I want, who are you to tell me I dont or to tell me not to post on a PUBLIC forum?

not really… double aspheric in a flood light will beat pretty much any thrower within the same price range…
and I can proof it :smiley:

Go ahead and ‘proof’ it, its impossible 8)

Thanks gitira6,
Tracking suggested delivery today, weather said nah nah mister postman :slight_smile:
Maybe tomorrow…… :slight_smile:

I appreciate your opinion, but you’re wrong.
I have the light and you’re wrong.
It’s a great light, it has everything he said it did, and you’re wrong.
The link you provided was not this light, you’re wrong.

a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
