I have a meter that sits around collecting dust. Here is a link
I will check and make sure I still have the temp adapter for it.
Anyone interested in trades ?
I have a meter that sits around collecting dust. Here is a link
I will check and make sure I still have the temp adapter for it.
Anyone interested in trades ?
also have an older fluke model available
A pic of the Fluke? I have a Solitaire w/xpg and 10440 700 mA drive, a Utilitech w/xre direct to copper direct drive 10440 aspheric and my silver 14650 2 pill minmag(3x Nichia and 1x XML) Not sure about trades but if you’d like to play with lights over a beer I’ll be home Saturday night.
I had that Fluke at work in the early 80's. Unfortunately It ended up getting stolen. Nice meter in it's day
I have admired you fine handy work and just now put 2 and 2 together. Those lights are nicely done.
As far as anyone interested in trades I’m open to just about anything flashlight related……
Sill pretty good now too. lol