WUBEN A9 12000 Lumens Bright Torch Youtube Reviews & AMZ US Deals

LuxWad videos are really good. They don’t go on and on about frivolous stuff, and show real test results with good comparisons.

Darkyear, Welcome to BLF and enjoy your stay.

My issue with Bridgetec is he has came right out and said he only gives Positive reviews. Period.

Guys here who value their reputation if they get sent a flashlight that is piece of Dog Vomit, they will call it as such where as Charles Bridgetec wants all that free stuff to keep coming his way so will at most say something like ;
“It would be nice if the light doesn’t step down soo quick or maybe the Mfg. could think about offering tint choices”
We all know he is making $ on the side selling the stuff off.

I want to know if a light is a danger or just a POS and not have to find out the hard way by being given feel good drivel.
That’s all, Rant off.

I’ve gotten some PMs here from mfrs/sellers asking me if I’d want to review, say, a bluetoof rgb lightbulb. So I look it up, driven by an app (right there is a red flag, as they don’t always work), and I asked what the terms were, etc., and get told “we comp you after we see your 5-star review”. So I ask, “Well, what if there’s a problem with it, if it doesn’t work as advertised, etc., and I can’t give it a 5-star review?”.

Never hear anything back after that.

It’s one thing to put a positive spin on something, but you don’t just flat-out lie.

Eg, if a flashlight is big’n’beefy, you can spin it that it’s sturdy and can take a beating, which it likely can. If it’s got a thinwall tube and is quite light, you can spin that to say it’s a featherweight light that disappears in your pocket, which it likely does.

But you don’t do things like that, “Oh, it’s got a 13sec turbo time after which it drops from 1500lm to 300lm, which is good because it keeps you from burning yourself!”. Ummm, no, that just means that it’s got a sucky turbo time that drops not to high or even to medium, but to low.

That’s why I never saw the appeal of the GTnano. Like, wtf? 3sec turbo time, and the cell’s already 50% spent? Whut?

So even if I give the majority of good reviews, it’s because I politely decline lights that look like crap, eg, a tulip-head zommie that claims 9000lm. Yeah, shift the decimal 2 places to the left and that’d be about accurate, but…

But if you’re well-loved by the major flashlight mfrs… because you only give positive reviews, well, there it is right there.

Muto, thanks for your welcome greeting. I love flashlight discussion so I can see myself being around here for a while.

You are absolutely correct in your BridgeTec comments. I’ve watched many of his vids and have never seen him come even close to trashing a poor light. I guess he wants to keep the gravy train rolling lol. I’ve watched and read other reviewers go into incredible detail on thermal analysis, run times and other valuable stuff, whereas Charles unfortunately seems to keep it simple with surface scratching stuff only. He’s giving the sizzle whereas others give the steak. As mentioned in my previous posts in this thread, the main reason I watch his vids is for the beam shots in that park of his. It is an excellent resource for me to compare all the different beams to each other. As far as his presentation of the quality of the shipping box, lanyard and o-rings? I can do without that fluff lol


Yeah, I only agree to review lights that I think that I will like, so my light reviews have been mostly positive.

If there is something negative about the light, I will go into that, but I've acquired so many lights over the years that I kinda know what I like.

I don't get a lot of requests for reviewing lights, but I have turned down some requests because they were for lights that I think I wouldn't like (and I can be pretty picky.)

It's not easy to receive criticism, but as long as they are constructive, then I'm all ears. Hoping th next video I upload (it's been a while) is more useful to the community.

PS: I'm definitely a Luxwad fan

Hey Lumen, I hope I didn’t come across as harsh. It was more of a sense of bewilderment when I saw your beam shots in the rain. I was enjoying your A9 review and was hoping for some nice, clear beam shots……and then came the rain lol

No hard feelings, man. We pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and continue making this forum a great place to discuss flashlights!

I appreciate it. Thanks.

The thought was that the rain would help showcase the beam's brightness and width. I should have add more beamshots; Maybe I'll do a follow-up video with just beams. As for the blurriness, all I have right now is a mobile phone and the low-light performance is not awesome as you can see. Maybe I should stop using my affiliate earnings on new flashlights and save them for better equipment to record videos!

Question: since you do have the light and I’m waiting for mine in the mail, I was wondering if you have tested the runtime on high (4000 lumens). How long can it continuously run at 4000 lumens before stepping down? Thanks in advance!

Ha! I see what you did there… :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face: