WUBEN A9 review videos are finally released by Lumen Max. Check below to know more about WUBEN A9 performance as well as asking them about questions you might have.
Watched both review videos by Lumen Max and Charles.
Charles came across as professional and knowledgeable with an excellent demonstration of the A9’s beam shots. What does Lumen Max do? He gives us blurry, incomprehensible beam shots in the pouring rain. Really, Lumen Max……really?
I stopped watching the Charles video after about 1min, and right-arrowed for a bit before quitting.
8½ min before we even see the light itself, almost 14½ min before he even turns it on.
Sorry but I can’t listen to someone going on and on for 30sec about the foam padding inside the case. I was pulling my hair out by the time I said f’it.
Gotta confess, I started to watch that one, too, and while the video was, what?, only 9min vs 26min, and when I saw him reading the back of the case, I got Bridgetec flashbacks and just noped out of that one, too.
In general, unless the video is rather tight, and heavy on info and light on fluff, I just don’t do video reviews. I just prefer “written” reviews like people post here.
Video reviews ideally should condense a written review, with the video following most of the same information as the written review. LuxWad does a great job with that, as does liquidretro and there’s a couple reviewers on here that are awesome. These flashlight companies love video rveiews and throw flashlights at reviewers because of the coverage (most people are looking for videos) and the fact that video reviews are easier to follow than written reviews for some folks.
Ya, I get the point. How dare a flashlight newbie like myself have an opinion in a forum populated by flashaholic titans such as you guys? Ah, so much to talk about regarding your responses to my Lumen Max comment.
First of all, there was no hidden meaning in my dusting off of a two year old thread and commenting on it. I’m simply reading every A9 review out there because of my new found interest in the light. As far as my Lumen Max comment, I stand by my original comments regarding his beam shots in the pouring rain. C’mon guys, who does that? And how can you possibly defend that?
Regarding your pointed criticism of Charles’s review style, I’m gonna have to disagree with you on that as well. Personally, when I’m researching lights with the intention of adding them to my collection, I want to know as much as possible about the accessories, the UI, batteries and beam shots. Though slow and detailed, I actually enjoy Charles’s reviews from start to finish. Perhaps you guys are part of the modern generation of fast moving, impatient folk who would rather see a flashlight reviewer rip the light out of the box and run straight outside for the beam shots? Or perhaps you don’t like Charles because he is the most well-respected go to guy by practically every major flashlight manufacturer? Do I sense a little “flashlight envy” going on here?
Darkyear…no worries. Yeah, comes off a little brusque to do that in a forum especially for “old news”, per se. Made me watch both videos even though neither of those two are ones that I care to see reviews from. That beamshot in the rain….wow. lol. Not sure it needs to be brought up this far down the line, but yeah that was pretty bad. A lot of people are not fond of Bridgetec’s reviews because he just never gives much information about things enthusiasts often care about…I mean we can see accessories and good photos almost anywhere, and UI information, etc. is usually available. But hey, he does his thing and hopefully he enjoys it still, and they do have value for everyone. I will say that reviews for “us” versus reviews for the manufacturers are a different thing entirely, if that makes sense. Pretty dog eat dog flashlight world out there with a fair amount of ugliness behind the scenes on all ends of it…naturally people that learn about or experience it first hand end up with opinions and stories to share. If anyone is looking for respect or fame with reviews…well…
Usually a pretty friendly place here. Use the search for topics you’re interested about and there is just about everything you could want to know about, ask away with questions or share what you like, too.
Correllux, thanks for your insight into this forum and flashaholics in general. I’m a relatively new flashlight enthusiast, just started getting into it mere months ago. I’ve already accumulated 4 or 5 lights with another 4 or 5 recently ordered. I’m gonna have to find a good place to hide them from my wife lol. I can see how this can become an expensive hobby!
I can also see your point about why some may not like Charles reviews. One thing I do like, however, is his common outdoor testing ground. It really allows me to compare the beams from one light to the next.
To be honest, I’m definitely not offended by anything said to me in this thread. A little good-natured disagreement in a forum such as this is never a bad thing. It only becomes bad if someone gets personally attacked and I’ve seen none of that here, so all good so far.
Thanks again for stepping in with your thoughts. Appreciate that!
Nah. I just don’t want to be “treated” to 2-3min of praise for the box artwork or packaging.
Czech out some of RustyJoe’s reviews. He goes through the box and all the doodads inside, plays with the light quickly, then goes for beamshots, etc. Even if he opines about something, it’s usually relevant, and adds to the usefulness of the review.
The Flasholic does similarly but without narration, usually compares with other similar lights in beamshots. Even though I pretty much quit the video once it gets to the “Dangerous Place” part, the info’s there.
They and other reviewers don’t go on and on about useless stuff. Like, it’s a lanyard, I get it. Yeah, it goes around your wrist, I know that. Like, tell me something I don’t know.
I’d be willing to bet that a lot of people just think that a long review is a good review.
Then definitely czech out those two reviewers, and others, as they generally hit the same haunts with their lights. And most times they’re comparisons, like RustyJoe comparing 2/more lights next to each other, The Flasholic shining 4 different lights in “Vanhalla” and that alleyway, etc.
You got hooked fast! lol. There are so many awesome lights out there now, great time to be a -holic or discover the hobby. There are hot/popular/new brands and lots of tried but true as well. Most all of them have their ups and downs and some just never get mentioned much even if they’re fantastic.
I do like Bridgetec’s common theme…standardized. Some aspects of that are really great for a frequent reviewer to use and several others have done the same thing. Beams are sometimes hard to get a good feel for in a video but with that standard place and if you can see a light or two that you own and they have reviewed, it becomes a good resource. The user “Flashaholic” here does that…he’s got a youtube channel by the same name, very well produced videos. Several here on BLF, with or without videos, but here you’re also more likely to see some graphed run times and detailed info on lumens and throw and how the modes actually perform (like can high mode at 900 lumens actually stay that way for awhile, or does it last for two minutes and drop down to 500 or 150 lumens…)…plus sometimes teardowns and measurements so we can see how the lights are put together. That last part is awesome for lots of us who like to mod lights with emitter or driver or optics swaps, or when we need to troubleshoot and repair lights.
Anyway, welcome to the forum. Are you pretty well set up with batteries and charger and all that? Can spend just about as much on cells as you do on the lights themselves…oof.
lol many good points you have made! Perhaps Charles doesn’t need to spend time describing the quality of things like the box! Another thing I notice is that he gives the same response to every YouTube comment by saying: “Thanks for watching!’. Makes me wonder if Charles is human or a bot.
I can’t stand watching video reviews. I haven’t watched a single one in a year or so now. Way too much information about the box and accessories. The hell with that. Bring on the light. I’m going to throw the rest of that crap away as soon as I make sure the light works.
Thanks for the welcome! Good to be here. I’m newly addicted to flashlights as well as flashlight discussion.
I picked myself up a Vapcell s4 plus charger. I researched chargers and was drawn to that one. As far as spare cells, my plan is to obviously have a spare set for every light I own. Hopefully, certain cells will be interchangeable between some of my lights
That’s because the code in this thread is over 2 years old lol. I recently scooped the A9 from the Wuben website for 35% off. Came out to around $160 usd. If you’re still interested in the light, maybe Wuben will have a similar deal on Boxing Day which is only a few weeks away. Personally I’m looking forward to receiving my A9. Fantastic looking light with some decent power