Wuben E7 Torch Review

If you have a Wuben E7, DO NOT insert an unprotected cell in reverse!

An unprotected cell may be shorted if a battery is inserted in reverse. This will damage the driver and it could cause a fire.

The included protected 18350 cell works as expected and did not get warm or damage the driver.

I inserted an unprotected 18650 cell in reverse, screwed the tailcap on, and the torch started to smoke! The driver has been burnt and no longer works.

The Wuben E7 should be recalled

While reviewing the Wuben E7, I noticed the tailcap spark when I tried to put the tailcap on with an 18350 cell inserted in reverse but nothing else happened. I asked a few community members and they weren’t able to reproduce this issue.

Wuben sent a second Wuben E7 (neutral white). This time I tried to insert an unprotected 18650 cell in reverse and the driver started smoking. The torch became warm to touch and it no longer works.

3 Thanks