Wurkkos dilemma - Wurkkos/TS10/EDC Support Group

  • Copper
  • Brass
  • TS10 v2
  • TS10 SG
  • TS10 MAX
0 voters

Tldr: Copprer/Brass, SG, MAX, v1 = dilemma ≤ Input?

For the longest time my flashlights have served a single simple purpose, with occasional use, so naturally they were simply boring.

I’d like to test the Anduril (2.0) waters out with the member recommended Wurkkos TS10. Of course I went down the rabbit hole and discovered a few other models that I found appealing, so I’m trying to decide on what to do.

I’d like to get one TS10 as a gift for my son’s birthday or Christmas (shipping willing) so that’ll be easier with his input picking out the body/color, but I wonder if the v1 can run primaries or just secondaries like the other versions?

For myself, I keep going back and forth between the brass/copper v2, the SG and the MAX. I was originally interested in the SG because I thought it was smaller than the TS10.

Sure… more is nice, but that’s valuable real estate it would occupy and I like to travel light - I should probably contain my urge to whip out the card and start ordering. Save up for a Noctigon KR4 perhaps. In the meantime…

SG or Copper… Brass? I’m honestly not sure where the difference lies except in the body material and emitter/k. And even that I’ve managed to confused myself about. I know the auxiliary LEDs are more aesthetic than anything, but are they somewhat useable after your eyes adjust? Perhaps for digging through a ruck, sifting through papers, or lighting a small 3x3x3’ area well enough to make out what’s there? From YouTube videos it seems to have a disco ball appearance to the RGB beam pattern. :see_no_evil:

A lower kelvin light would be a nice change of scenery from the cooler temps, but it is whatever it is.

Maybe this post is to help dull the yearning for a new light, or pass the time, or just to find other unrelated lights to add to an ever growing list. Either way, my son needs an overly complex little light and I like what I see, but auxiliary LEDs that serve more purpose than as a locator beacon would be a cherry on top.

If you have a love for the TS10 or other EDC lights, feel free to chime in. Hopefully my post is relatively organized and not too long… I tend to get lost and drone on.

no version of TS10 runs primaries

an anduril light that can run primaries is the Emisar D3AA. I prefer the TS10 form factor, and tailswitch.

Another TS10 model you might want to consider is the HD10, pictured on right, it has built in USB charging:

TS10SG is the same size as TS10. Both are very small.

buy one of each, TS10, TS10SG, HD10, Emisar D3AA, and discover your own preferences :wink:

imo no,

Suggest youy buy a TS10 and try it for yourself. For pocker carry, I recommend one of the Aluminum models w 4000K LEDs, because of the lower weight compared to the fancy metals.

If you want a Copper TS10 w 3000K LEDs, now is the time to grab one. It is a classic combination of material and color temperature.

For actual pocket carry, I consider Copper, Brass, and Titanium w Copper, too heavy.

otoh, There is no denying the appeal of the Noble metal, Copper. And this is a rare opportunity to buy with a 3000K LED.

Bear in mind that Copper will make your hands stink, and the Copper will not stay shiny. Same for Brass.

The TS10SG is a great little throwy light, but it is Low CRI, so imo best used outdoors, when Red color rendering is not a priority. It makes green leaves extra green, in a fun way.

The TS10Max is a bigger light. It comes with great LEDs.

All models except the SG have a floody beam, good for close range, at 7 yards or less.

here is a beam reach comparison of a TS10 and TS10SG:

No Ti?
I have Copper TS10v2 3000k and love it. Though it makes your hands smelly which is why I don’t carry it with me. New TS10v2 Ti/Cu is on the way which I think will be my EDC.

congratulations! :wink:
Very handsome combination:

Heavier than aluminum and the copper will make your hands smell.

Share your thoughts when you receive it.

1 Thank

Thanks, will do. Also ordered a bunch of different clips from Wurkkos hoping something will suit this little guy :slight_smile:

1 Thank

Seriously, I’d start with aluminium. The copper and brass are really heavy by comparison. My vote of those 2 metals is definitely copper, I have one with orange aux, but if I bought again I’d pick cyan as it compliments the coppery red.

1 Thank

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who voted/responded. I don’t abandon topics that I start, just been busy endlessly trying to catch up and fitting the BLF in where I can.

I’m still undecided, might just end up going with aluminum. I’m seriously considering the Mao version as well, thanks to jon_slider. Reminds me of the Empire Strikes Back lol

My son has been slacking on getting back to me about his preference, so I might just surprise him and see how well I do with guesstimating his preferences. However, I am somewhat hesitant in gifting him something that doesn’t use primaries as well, because the worst that can happen is leakage and they don’t require the knowledge and safety necessary for secondaries. That’s why I’m considering a duel-fueled option for him - that way, if he learns enough about secondaries and how to safety handle them - he’ll be able to get the most out of his lights.

I have been seriously considering upgrading my Weltool T1 to a higher performance version, so odds are that will be set aside for his birthday present.