【Wurkkos HD10 update】First batch of HD10 black available now 4000K&6000K

Absolutely! Come with flashing pads.

9 Thanks

That is huge news!! Thank you Terry.

2 Thanks

The removable bezel is included in my original design. But Wurkkos factory said it has not enough space. So removed it

7 Thanks

Surprise! That’s definitely a good news.

1 Thank

I hope so. The flashing pads is yes, but removable bezel not sure :thinking:

4 Thanks

@Wurkkos_Terry please please please try working with @thefreeman or @loneoceans :pleading_face: The world needs an efficient compact Andúril head torch. The DW4 is great but unwieldy.

7 Thanks

Dang! I really want to do that. Why we can :sob: Lost my deal :sob:

3 Thanks

Absolutely! Terry promise

1 Thank

It’s necessary to make these things available Lol

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Got it! Keep attention always

1 Thank

I guess the tube issue be caused by CNC machining deviation.

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At least half a month. Between mid June and July

Wait a minute. Let me check the stock of warehouse. Then shipping the new parcel immediately.

1 Thank

Sorry my man. We are still trying to fix the issue, I can’t provide a specific time

2 Thanks

Yep, I always rush to battlefield at quick if no trivial job. The busy life stumble me :skull:

8 Thanks

Wurkkos engineers often use the old firmware in order to test running smoothly. But I can’t believe that they forget to replace the latest firmware.

2 Thanks

Thanks Terry for taking the time to post all of the replies with lots of good information. I appreciate your efforts on our behalf. Once everything is sorted I think I will need to pick up the improved/fixed model.

It was a good idea to get some of these out there for people to use and help sort out the good and the bad.

7 Thanks

thank you very much - nice to be here :wink:

So, my own HD10 has finally arrived. Thank you @Wurkkos_Terry

I’ll start with the good things:

  • The host feels great in the hand
  • Very good matte-black anodizing
  • Switch is good, easy to use and the clicks are easy to feel.
  • USB-C port has a good seal and does not get in the way
  • Tint was decent, didn’t seem greenish, though not noticeably rosy either.
  • High quality packaging

Now the things I am not such a fan of:

  • No flashing pads, so the firmware issue cannot be fixed easily, or the light updated
  • Switch ring and bezel are press-fit, not easily removable for modding
  • Exposed plastic optic, mine already got a small scratch
  • The tube cannot be reversed easily, so that the clip attaches near the tailcap.
    – Doing this makes the engraved battery look backwards

Unfortunately, it has a critical problem: the light has stopped lighting the primary emitters.
Initially it was sometimes not responsive and took a few seconds after being clicked. Seems to be firmware-related.
This happened after approximately 20 minutes of unboxing.

Recommendations for the production model:

  • Fix the firmware issue (old firmware), use the latest TS10-v2 build
  • Add flashing pads to the visible side of the driver
  • Make the bezel and switch threaded, with grooves for a tool. Please no threadlocker either.
  • Move the location of the engraved battery symbol to the tailcap.
  • Add a chamfer to both sides of the tube, so it can be reversed without clearance issues.
  • Add a glass lens between the bezel and optic, to protect from scratches
  • Use wires going through the shelf of the light, like a normal TS10. It is a lot easier to disassemble for modding/repair than this T-connected design.


Out of frustration, while messing with the light to see if I could get it to work again, I banged it against my hand and it turned on.

Now I am quite sure that the problem is not in firmware, but hardware. I had a similar problem with a TS21, where banging it on my hand would trigger strobe, and I then found that it had a bad solder joint in the T of the boards.

@Wurkkos_Terry How would you recommend me disassemble it for diagnosing the source of the problem?

Update 2:
Unsuccessfully tried to disassemble the light, the T connection between the driver and MCPCB is very difficult to desolder. During this, the light got hot enough to apparently reflow some joints, as the problem is gone after I reconnected the MCPCB to the driver and allowed it to cool down.

5 Thanks

Your “unresponsive” sounds a lot like the one I encountered, that was 100% software. You could toggle between “all off” and “aux on” with the button, but not get the main LEDs back on, right?

In this case, switch it to the position where all LEDs are off, and do 3C. Should switch back to the main emitters. 3C from main emitters on should send you back to that weird mode.

At least that’s how it was for mine, 100% reproducible until I flashed to a new firmware. It’s a wrong software config, the light is set up for a dual channel flashlight but only has one channel of LEDs. You can get stuck in the second channel and that is confusing.