Wurkkos TD01C in 3000K vs TD01 "classic" in 6000K: Cave Review

My review of the TD01C in 3000K. I review it against the “classic” TD01 in 6000K. The footage was done in a cave first without and then with dust in the air. Most of the footage is POV. I think it is possible to discern which color temperature is better suited for your needs. The differences in electronics between TD01 and TD01C also became relevant as the classic version regulates down fast while the C version maintains brightness better but runs pretty hot.

I used the original version a lot last year camping and was snorkeling with it. The light did an amazing job underwater, there is something that the optics do that is superior to regular reflector lights (=most dedicated dive lights). The only thing that would it have made better was warm white light. Now I have that too so…

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Thanks :+1:t4: Good colour 3000k .

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When I saw that they do a run of the TD01C in 3000K I placed the order right away. I always go for 3000K if there is the option!

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But but but sunlight 5somethingK. Ansi…
Are we trying to throw light or are we trying to see? I’ll take 3000k almost every day of the week in almost any light. I like your term “visual feedback”. The cool white “lights up” the roof of the cave better but that doesn’t help you see what you’re looking at deeper into the cave. And the same thing applies in many situations. Now they need to put the Sft40 3000k in the TS11.

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I think the difference can be seen in the video when I light up the very distant part of the cave: What is washed out in the cold white light is crispy clear in the warm white light. It comes across even stronger in reality than on a video. All the light scatter from a cold white light is useless, especially with stuff in the air and on longer trips. Neutral white is good, i.e. Armytek often hits between warm and neutral with their “warm” version of lights which is really nice. However, trying for 3000K is worth it when going for something for outdoor/nature use.

These are not readily available to everybody and they cost more.

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Yeah, Armytek is very expensive and you also pay in terms of more bulk and very specialized UIs that are not so great for EDC.

Well, what can I say @Wurkkos TD01C 3000 k? Its working, useful maximum range is on the border of 200 meters.
Testing was conducted in the port area of the Dakar container terminal. As often happens here, the air is easily dusty. That is, in the open sea, when searching for a person or an object on the sea surface, I can count on no more than 200 meters (or less).
I will also add that at this distance you can count on no more than 300 lumens.
All tests are in turbo mode with pre-cooling to ± 20 °С