Wurkkos TS10 Review
The TS10 has made a household name for itself. It’s really popular and you’ve probably heared about it. But, should you get it? In this review you’ll (hopefully) find that out!
[Pricing, availability and options]
The TS10 is really cheap and available! This is one of the reasons it’s so popular! From the official wurkkos website you can get the aluminium version with a battery for $21.99. There are multiple color tempertures for the main emitters. You can get the aluminium version in multiple different colors. If you get the first verions, you can chose the color of the AUX lights (secondary lights) as well. They also have an Aliexpress website that should have similar prices. If you want something more fancy (and expensive), there is a brass, copper and titanium version of the TS10. I have the brass version of it. Mine is the first version, not the second version that you can buy now. The difference between the first and second version isn’t that big. Form what I understand, you get RGB instead of one color from the AUX lights. The switch is also a little different. There also seems to be some other small changes that you shouldn’t notice.
[Build quality, size weight and handling]
First of, I have to say that this light is TINY. It uses a 14500 battery with a lenght of 50mm, while the light is only a litte over 70mm. This means that there is only about 20mm of flashlight excluding the battery. That is insane! No other light (in this price range at least) even comes close to that! The weight is also really nice. Mine is the brass though, and the aliminium will weight quite a bit less. Either way, it will be nice to carry, or to slip into a pocket.
The light comes with a pocket clip too. It’s not the nicest one, but it works. The build quality is nice. It feels and looks nice. It feels good in hand, and is something I could easily carry for extended periods of time. It even has some grip when holding it in your hand, surprisingly.
[User interface]
The user interface or UI is how the light is controled. This light uses an electronic tail switch. The name of the UI in this light is Anduril. Anduril is more of an enthusiast based UI. It has a lot of cool and complex functions, but it also has a simple mode. If you like to have a lot of modes, features and functions, you can switch it to advanced mode, if not, just keep it in simple mode. The light also comes with a UI chart (wich is handy, but is also on the internet).
Anduril is really nice to use. It feels refined and has a lot of features. Anyone that knows a thing or two about flashlight, should know about Anduril. It seems scary and complex at first, but you quickly get used to it. It has a lot of well spaced modes, good thermal control and a lot of other nice-to-haves.
[Light quality]
I choose 3000K for the main emitters, and red AUX lights. For the second version of this light, the AUX is in RGB, so you can’t choose a color for them. The AUX lights of my TS10 were defective, but I got very well compensated in exchange. I also had a small problem with the lens of this light, but it is really minor and doesn’t affect my use.
On the positive side though, this light has REALLY good light quality. The color is warm and comfortable, while also being a litte rosy. This is concidered as the perfect tint (light quality) by many, me included! It is also in high CRI. This means that colors are rendered properly. Colors seem very vibrant and “to life” with this flashlight, as is amazing!
[Performance, battery and runtime]
This light is more of a hotrod. This means that it is design to be really bright at start, but then qulckly becomes less usable. while that is true. It doesn’t become quite as unusable as a lot of other hotrods. This light can sustain about ~200 lumens, wich is nice for it’s size. It doesn’t compare to it’s face blasting turbo-output of 1400 lumens though. Runtimes are rather short. It uses an FET driver, with gives it it’s amazing output at start, but drops in output as the battery does. On the lower modes it seems to be using a linear driver, with keeps the light output stable, and not so dependent on the battery. You get about 1 hours at 200 lumens, or 2 hours at 100 lumens. And mind, the turbo eats away at the battery, so don’t over-use it. While the runtimes aren’t amazing, they’re definitely acceptable for this light with a 900mah 14500 battery. Mind that you need your own charger to charge the battery, as the flashlight doesn’t have built-in charging.
The runtime are based on graphs and mesurements from other reviews and tests.
So, should you buy it? As always, it depends. If you want a tiny light with insane output (even more so for it’s size), you should get it. If you can do with something a little bigger, you should get that for the runtime. All in all, the TS10 is amazing, and there is nothing out there that can compeare. If you can afford it, you could get this as a second light just for fun. I have impressed multiple people with this!
Here is the links to buy the TS10. It is not affiliate:
Official wurkkos website: 【New Color】Wurkkos TS10 V2 14500 Powerful Mini EDC Flashlight with 3* 90 CRI LEDs and 3* RGB Aux LEDs ,Anduril 2.0,Max 1400lm