Wurkkos kindly sent a silver TS10 with orange aux LEDs for review.
Here is my review:
Wurkkos kindly sent a silver TS10 with orange aux LEDs for review.
Here is my review:
Nice review, love the font you use , makes it easy to read.
Uses Fira Code on his Hugo-generated blog.
“”I’m a Software Developer in Melbourne, Australia.“”:https://timmcmahon.com.au/
Never woulda guessed./s
But seriously, nice job.
There is a mistake in the table with lumens and current - the mode H4 with 130lm and 1.21A. 130lm should be something around 350mA.
Beautiful review, congratulations, technical and exhaustive at the same time.
Great Review, congrats on your new bedside light… mine is serving the same duty
true for ALL anduril lights with single color aux or button LEDs
the TS10 was just the first light to UnCover that bug (by making the High Aux too bright… I recommend Not using High Aux), and gchart has fixed it already. The new Hex file also gives a 10x lower Low, which I Love!
this drop to about 10% of Turbo, is why I think Turbo is only for Marketing.
fwiw, raising the Thermal Limit to 50C, increases the Sustainable Output to about 300 lumens… Much more practical.
I really like the TS10… with a pocket clip change. fwiw, Olight clips fit, so does the Lumintop E05C clip.
Im using an Olight S Mini clip atm:
Current measurements except turbo are difficult. High currents depend on the resistance of the whole system (wires, contacts, battery) and low currents need a good multimeter with good averaging or you have to use an oscilloscope (due to the PWM of the driver). Also the ramp shape has changed with my new ramping table that is hopefully shipped eventually. That means steps will be different to the previous firmware version.
Thanks for the review, btw.
Nice review. I agree with your conclusions. One of mine has been in my pocket since I got them.
Good thoughts above on the clip. Mine has actually fallen out of my pocket with the stock clip … when sitting down.
Thanks! I made a mistake. I had used measurements that I noted down from a UT139C in series rather than the UT210E. I updated the table with results from the UT210E clamp meter and H4 is closer to 503mA.
Thanks for the suggestions! I’ll see if some clips are available during the next Olight sale.
Now I need to update the firmware. E21A LED swap is tempting but I like the tint as is with the 4000K emitters.
Thanks for the awesome review! It’s my favourite torch purchased this year
What happened to your reddit comments on my review?. You had an essay length comment talking about how I only cared about high lumens, not sustainable ones without ever watching a single review of mine.
Just a strange comment to drop out of nowhere.
> TS10 Brass
good to hear the button is also brass!
Great review, thank you for your time and patience
I also bought a TS10 in silver aluminum. For under $20 on an Anduril 2.0 flashlight, how can you go wrong? I enjoyed the brass version, but wow… the weight difference is so noticeable. The TS10 is my usual EDC now, along with an Aurora A5.
The silver anodizing is excellent. It seems to have decent scratch resistant properties. I’ve dropped mine a few times on hard floors and on pebbly gravel walkways. No scratches that I can see. The black switch cap is a nice contrast. It looks so good. Phenomenal design, overall. My FWAA is weeping with a layer of dust on it.
That’s good to hear!
My MAO Wurkkos TS10 is collecting a bit of dust alongside a Lumintop FWAA TiCu.
But the brass Wurkkos TS10 has been getting a workout! I used to it to test 30 programming adapters.