Hi, I have a brand new Wurkkos TS10 with green aux. lights. I’ve only had it for a few days and only used/played with it for about a half hour the first night I received it. It will not turn on. The green auxiliary lights are still shining and the battery is fully charged. I don’t know if I have a faulty light or if I’ve done a series of clicks and unknowingly done something to it. I’ve tried removing battery and then holding tail cap/button while screwing it back together. This worked once and allowed me to turn it on and ramp up/down. However, after a few minutes, I tried turning it back on, but with no luck. I’ve tried repeating that process several times with no luck. when screwing it back on, just before its fully tightened, the light does flash on, but immediately turns off and then nothing, with only the aux. lights on. I really loved this little light for the 30 minutes I was able to use it. I’ve reached out to Wurkkos, but it appears they are all on vacation until Friday. Has anyone had this problem? Or does anyone have any suggestions? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
I would read the full Factory Reset instructions in the Anduril 2 Manual
If the aux is on and the switch does not work, then I think the switch is faulty. Are the main threads clean without debris?
I bought one a while back that did the exact opposite…wouldn’t turn off. Sent a video to Wurkkos and they took care of it immediately (replacement). I have 5 others, and they all function flawlessly. Not sure what cell you’re using, but I would recommend nothing longer than 50.3 mm, and preferably flat top.
Hang in there. I’m sure they’ll respond promptly after CNY.
Thanks for the replies.
Thanks for sending the link to the Anduril 2 Manual. I’m getting to be an older dog and this is a new trick. The diagram wasn’t helping me much, but this is much much clearer to me. I haven’t found a combo that is making it work though unfortunately. i’m still trying.
I did check threads and they were clean. Cleaned then again anyway, but didn’t work. The faulty switch is probably it.
I’m using a Wurkkos cell that I purchased with the light, so that shouldn’t be the issue.
I’ll wait on Wurkkos to repsond once they are back in the office. I’ve heard mostly nothing but good things about their customer support, so i’m sure they will make it right. Disappointing, but I understand these things happen. I’m not that bent out of shape for a $20 light as long as they provide a fix or replacement.
I was extremely impressed with it during the small sample period i had to play with it.
Same thing happened to me. Send it back. They’ll take care if you
Hi scoperdue!
I read and re-read your post several times to see if I could find anything that could be troubling the flashlight’s action.
So, the aux green LEDs are always ON, right? This indicates that they may be configured to be like that (they can be on High, Low, Blinking or OFF).
Just to be clear, are the main LEDs ON or OFF while the green LEDs are ON?
Can you please try this:
a) If you press the tailswitch do the aux LEDs momentarily go OFF and turn ON again when you release the switch?
c) Also, during this press, do the main LEDs of the flashlight turn ON at any moment?
d) Have you tried to unlock the flashlight: from OFF 4 clicks? In case the flashlight leds turn ON after these 4 clicks it may happen that you have “auto-lock” configured and that you need to de-configure it.
I know I am being basic on these questions, but at least for my reasoning, these are pieces of information missing :zipper_mouth_face:
Worst case scenario, you really have a bad switch.
I agree, that is why I recommend doing a Factory Reset… this will Unlock (if enabled), and will also Disable Auto Lock (if enabled)…
I don’t understand why it needs to work. Don’t you have another light to use ? Clearly you don’t have enough lights or this wouldn’t be an issue . You’d just reach over and grab another light . Then forget which light wasn’t working so you’d start going thru all your lights …and find one with an alkaline leaking and think .. thank god I had that light not working.. start cleaning the tube out with a toothbrush and vinegar and a screwdriver and wanting to check you progress…you grab a light to peer down into the tube and bam you found the light that doesn’t work.
what was the question again?
So obviously it’s a good thing to have lights that don’t work it makes you do the right thing .
buy more lights
LOL, thanks for the chuckle!
First of all, thanks for your help.
Hi, So, the aux green LEDs are always ON, right? This indicates that they may be configured to be like that (they can be on High, Low, Blinking or OFF). Just to be clear, are the main LEDs ON or OFF while the green LEDs are ON?
*The main LED's are off when the Green Aux. are on. For the short time it did work, the aux green LED's were NOT on when the main LED's were on. Now, the green aux. lights are on all the time.
Can you please try this:
a) If you press the tailswitch do the aux LEDs momentarily go OFF and turn ON again when you release the switch? No, nothing happens at all when i press the tail switch.
c) Also, during this press, do the main LEDs of the flashlight turn ON at any moment? No, nothing changes.
d) Have you tried to unlock the flashlight: from OFF 4 clicks? In case the flashlight leds turn ON after these 4 clicks it may happen that you have “auto-lock” configured and that you need to de-configure it. I know I am being basic on these questions, but at least for my reasoning, these are pieces of information missing Oops Worst case scenario, you really have a bad switch. I just tried this and unfortunately it didn't work.
I know I am being basic on these questions, but at least for my reasoning, these are pieces of information missing
Worst case scenario, you really have a bad switch. Anything other than basic for me would sail right over my head! I'm a novice, but slowly learning as I go. To give you an idea of how basic, i felt a feeling of great accomplishment when i finally figured out how to change modes in the convoy 12 mode set up.
Boaz, that was great!
do a factory reset. The process for this is:
- Loosen tailcap
- Hold button
- Tighten tailcap
- Keep holding button for about 4s
The light should flicker while getting brighter, then briefly burst to
full power. Hold until it reaches full power to do a reset, or let go
of the button early to abort.
On some lights, like products where the tailcap method is impossible,
use 13H from Off to do a factory reset.
12 clicks and hold the 13th
Unless your tailcap is already broken free, loosen the head of the light using the same instructions.
At some point we need to say: He’s Dead Jim.
Seriously, if it takes 100 technical people to turn a light on, to hell with the interface, it’s not worth it.
Good Info!
If the button is bad, the Factory reset will not work. If the button does work, the key to Factory Reset is to hold the button long enough to get through to the final flash.
If the button does not work to do a Factory Reset, Since the OP confirmed he is using the stock battery, which is not too long, it may be time to ask Wurkkos for a replacement due to bad switch.
backstory on battery length is that if it is too long, which is not the case here, then the inner black tube does not reach far enough into the head, to make contact w the pill…
one last though on the inner tube contact with the pill:
Suggest remove Battery and try to insure the contact surfaces are mating well, by screwing the head tight and loose several times, to insure the end of the inner tube makes a clean pressured contact on the pill.
then try again with a battery installed… and the head closed snug
if all that fails
then it confirms that the switch is not working,
and it is time to ask Wurkkos for a Replacement.
I look forward to a successful resolution… Wurkkos is good about taking care of things like this.
On my sample, the driver is the issue. I can swap the head from another TS10, and the body/switch works fine. Vice-versa, the faulty head doesn’t work with any other body.
sorry for your faulty light
when I suggest a replacement, I mean the whole light, not just the head or tail… for exactly the reason your case illustrates
Thanks for your replies scoperdue! I guess I won’t be much of an help since what you reported is probably indicator that either the switch or the driver has some fault preventing the flashlight from activating correctly. :zipper_mouth_face:
I guess contacting Wurkkos is probably the best solution in this case, hoping they can give you a replacement or fix your light!
Sometimes it is not dead (doesn’t seem to be the case, unfortunately).
You’ve probably seen cases here - and even more “out there” - where persistence and basic tips help recovering flashlights or other devices, even if it implies time and dedication and disassembly/re-assembly. In particular, these dual tube flashlights have several alignement issues (see the FWXA lights and others) that need some attention and time spent on fixing. They’re not dead, they’re not helpless, they just need dedication. Like people, sometimes. And in the end, when they’re back, they worth it, again!
In this case, a faulty component may be the probable cause. They can be fixed or replaced, to make the light turn ON again!
Yes it is! George Harrison’s favourite lightbulb joke was: “How many Beatles does it take to change a lightbulb? Four.”
On the other hand there is this joke about Apple enthusiasts: “How many Apple enthusiasts does it take to change a lightbulb? They don’t change the lightbulb, they just buy a new house.”
Working together can be quite rewarding, but it looks you’re in the Apple team.