Wurkkos TS30S + monster LED SBT90.2 = $60 4750lm 1km SUPER-Thrower. Comparison w/ TS30S Pro & other lights incl. the :-) insane 13000 lm Nightwatch Valkyrie. (Summary & measurements on P. 1)

For UCLp, the transmittance is high and all the heat is going out the MCPCB
Would be more concerned with things like incan/halogen that radiate a lot of heat

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I can confirm at least it is definitely blue AR. The one they sent me colors the outer rings in the beam blue, not purple. I believe those rings are the upper rim of the reflector reflecting off the bottom of the lens, back into the reflector, then out the lens again. Since the reflected light is blue, that ping-pong’d light getting shot back into the reflector turns blue as well.

I am happy with it so far. It is an improvement over the stock lens. If it was a hypothetical 2.5mm it might entirely get rid of the bezel gap, but I couldn’t find any, and the 2mm variants are too thin to fit, so this is still maybe the best drop-in lens I’ve tried so far.

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Same goes for bicycle wheel spoke adjusters. Bike shops LOVE to sell fifty cent spoke adjusters to folks who don’t know how to true a wheel. Ends up bringing in $50 in revenue if located in a big city.

Strangely even though LHT Flashlight Store is Kai Domain Aliexpress’s store, the shipping took a mere 6 days from China to LA.

My last order of a flashlight from Kai Domain’s own web site IIRC took a week BEFORE they ship. So maybe it’s because this is a smaller item?

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Now to hear how well you think it fits… ??

Very very highly recommended. I have nothing but good news, and nothing different from what @elemental has reported. If you are going to order remember you want 55mm diameter, 3mm thick. And I wouldn’t bother with Kai Domain web site, Aliexpress Kai Domain store gets the lens here fastest I’ve ever experienced (6 days) .https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803864446098.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.5.5e3d1802yUKSD8&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa&_randl_shipto=US.

The 55mm lens is about 1 mm smaller than stock lens. Fits good enough that you shouldn’t have problem with the two o-rings. It reflects blue which is good. I have one lens with blue reflection, the UCL v3 Borofloat glass lens, and that doesn’t make Duv more positive (like a purple lens would).

With the excellent P45B battery (on sale at 18650 although I don’t know whether it is grade A like liionwholesale version), highest output after multiple runs finally cracks 5000 lm :star_struck: :+1: (EDIT: raw number 5040). This is about a 4% gain over the stock non AR lens, which was 4780 with P45B. Nothing surprising.

That’s just because it’s on the ali platform where they have standards and rules to follow if they want to benefit from the exposure/sales. Similar to Amazon but a little harsher if they can’t comply. In house they can take all the time they want, and sometimes it seems like they do exactly that. lol

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I have a ts30s as well… and yes it has a massive ring on the beam pattern… I learned myself to ignore it.

Anyhow… based on this thread I just ordered 40Ts, 4 of them, for 5€ each and vc2sl charger. Because… I need more lumen and output :thinking::see_no_evil:

And I’ve just attached a clip… fits tight enough.

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I was partly playing innocence but yes thanks for expanding :innocent: .

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@Ortix good move. 40T is one of the most popular batteries because of its balance between excellent power (current), good capacity, and reasonable cost. With a power LED like SBT90.2 it is a huge step-up from Wurkkos battery (10% gain in output is A LOT). Necessary and almost mandatory for hobbyists.

Yeah I’ve learned to not white walling my throwers with smooth reflector. In general nothing good will come out of it :face_with_head_bandage: :slightly_smiling_face:. Real life use, in nature and especially at objects 30 yards plus away is where they shine in testing. Most definitely the outer ring will enlarge, dim, and disappear by then.

Then I could enjoy the tremendous 1100m throw and 5000 lm output of this light. At 60 buck nothing will come close.

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Yeah, I’m using the light for either to be seen by traffic or light up an area of 200m wide by 500-1000m deep. And I notice that my l19 light up that spot what ts30s couldn’t… I assume the battery would fix that :stuck_out_tongue:

I ordered a dm11/d4k too for those batteries… but that’s another thread.

Anyhow, I don’t think an other glass filter thing is that great to buy it…

Btw I paid 55€ including shipping for the ts30s.

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Interesting discussions here. I may be the “odd man out” based on my atypical usage.

My two Wurkkos TS30S (original Anduril-1 style) live comfortably on nightstands, with one at each side of the bed.

Both are equipped with the “Murder Bezel” in case I have a bad nightmare and need to defend myself and the bezel is also a great conversation piece, eliciting “Oohhs and Aahhs” without even turning the TS30S on. The incredible initial maximum brightness level is a welcome benefit if needed for unexpected events.

I store them bezel down on small saucer plates to prevent the bezels from scratching the nightstands (extra points if you can find plates with a cup depression that helps locate and center the bezel) and the “Murder Bezel” elevates the light about an inch and a half above the plate.

The lighted switch makes them easy to find in the dark. The low moonlight brightness level allows the light reflected off of the saucer plate to function as a nightlight when needed or for sneaking around without disturbing others.

The TS30S is a versatile light for many uses and the unique “Murder Bezel” included with the original version was an amusing bonus.

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Roostre, you may be beyond most of us in the flashaholism level. Way cool story.

Thanks, but I would not be competitive in a “Flashaholism Marathon”, as I am mostly just a “Flashlight Philosopher”.

What amazes me is the collective theoretical and practical knowledge shared by members on this forum and I am grateful to be able to read about and learn from their experiences.

Flashlights are the “little treasures” I can afford that also interest me enough to occupy my mind for a few hours each day, providing a needed break from worrying about and dwelling upon other “bigger issues” that I never anticipated earlier in life, but have became vulnerable to and which plague me as I become “Chronologically Gifted”.

Thanks to all.

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My 3 mods for Wurkkos TS30S and TS30S Pro w/ SBT90.2 (Updated and repost from page 1 of this long thread).

1. Increase Tmax (Free): With FET driver, a super bright & super hot LED, and Anduril’s Tmax set at 45°C from factory, this light enters thermal step-down extremely quickly. I reset mine to 55°C and external temp remains a cool 45°C at this higher Tmax. (Warning: read up and reset at your own risk. I’m not “recommending,” just stating what I do. :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:)

2. Powerful Battery ($6-$10) for 10-15% output gain: Batteries with high current capability is a must for the SBT90.2 LED. Measured with both ceiling bounce test and later with Texas Ace lumen tube,(with numerous runs/repetitions) I’ve found in both Turbo and High modes, the gain of Samsung 40T over Wurkkos OEM battery is about 10-15%. Samsung 40T is good enough but those who like to live a life of luxury could go for the $10 Molicel P45B Grade A at Liionwholesale.

AR Lenses ($3-$6) for about 4% output gain:
TS30S First gen: Another absolute must for the Wurkkos as the OEM lens is not coated. UCL made two AR lenses that fit perfectly, one acrylic (purple reflection - makes tint greener) and one glass (blue reflection - no change in tint). Either one fits perfectly but I would recommend the glass. Impressively they achieved ~98.4% of max brightness (ie no lens), meaning about ~4% improvement over Wurkkos’s OEM non-coated lens. Click here for UCL v3 Borofloat glass lens.

TS30S Pro The first group of lights had non AR lens, latter lights have purple reflection lens which being purple increases Duv and makes tint greener. The best solution for me is the blue reflection lens size 55mm diameter x 3mm thick CLICK HERE for Aliexpress Link.

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I’d recommend just avoiding the TS30S Pro all together. This was a downgrade to the TS30S in terms of sustainable output. Hotspot has a dark center which is extremely annoying once you notice it.

Pay a little more and get a Convoy. Wurkkos go for the Turbo burst WOW effect & design, but suck at sustaining anything reasonable. I’ve stopped reviewing for Wurkkos because I’m tired of it on 95% of their models. I may still review something if it’s a boost or buck driver, but a big no to FETs.

@PiercingTheDarkness i got no dark spot on my ts30s, only rings on the outside. I’ve got that on my Acebeam… and several sofirn lights. Pretty annoying.

Okay, everyone who I’ve spoken with who has one has noticed the hotspot issue.

You aren’t getting this and this

Not that I see. But after seeing the video… take a look.

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I’m also not seeing the hotspot issue mentioned.