Wurkkos WK15 Detailed Review With Runtime Graphs?

A little surprised that there hasn’t been a detailed review of the Wurkkos WK15 light, despite the light being available for at least six months now!?

All the current reviews I’ve seen on YouTube and elsewhere tend to be brief and do not show the runtimes for the light outputs.

So, I’m looking for a detailed review of the Wurkkos WK15 light which includes runtime graphs to show how long the outputs last and how well regulated the outputs are.

Anyone know of such a detailed review that might be available, please?

2 Thanks

Just finished my review, I hope it helps:

1 Thank

Thanks for the detailed review! Your review has been of some help!

I would have liked to have seen runtime graphs for high and medium light outputs as well.

By chance, I recently came across a review of another light that had some of the runtimes of the WK15 for comparison.

Unfortunately, the WK15 light output regulation is terrible; basically it has no regulation at all. This is not good enough! For this reason, the WK15 is no good for my purposes, and is a definite no buy!

I expect good regulation for all of today’s lights. There really isn’t an excuse not to use good regulation for lights. Unfortunately there are still quite a number of lights being produced now with little or no regulation, even for lights produced by some of the larger light manufacturers!?

1 Thank

I would like to ask.During ON mode is the green diode on the tailcap shining constanly or just a few seconds?My is shining just few seconds…