Wurrkos TS10 3d printed stand

Hi guys, I recently bought a 3d printer and have been playing. I used to to technical drawing and design at school (a loooong time ago lol) but it’s nice to see my brain still works.
I have contacted Wurrkos to see if they will let you download it from them as it has their branding on, so I can’t give the stl file away until I get an ok from Terry for copyright etc.
But, I have printed one out for myself. It holds the ts10 perfectly, has a hole to stop the button pressing and also has a handy place on the back to store your clip.
I may branch out to do other stands for other lights/brands in the futute and maybe ones to hold multiple version of the same light or even your collection.
I haven’t really file the support bits of yet, but it’s easy to do.
What do you guys think of it?

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Looks cool, but without brand advertisment it looks much cooler :slight_smile:

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I applaud you for doing it, just not my style. May be more attractive if it was your first or last name.

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G0OSE’s last name is Wurkkos. :man_facepalming: :stuck_out_tongue:

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how did you get that metallic finish? Spray paint?

Yes, for me this is just some sort of fanboyism of this brand ‘Wurkkos’ - which is not necessarily a bad thing, but I prefer additional accessoires to be brand-neutral. The style is cool, especially the metallic effect.

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Have to agree with the others about the branding, I can’t do 3D printing, so congrats on a functional print.

For functional holders, how about one at 45 degrees with magnet on the base?

The best “work lights” are right angle lights as you have an additional degree of freedom to angle the light. (rotation around the length of the light). A 45 degree holder that holds the light firmly would be good for a work/reading light.

Super cool project G0OSE :+1::+1:

It’s the filament, it prints out like that, it’s a tri colour metallic in gold/purple/blue and I have another which is purple/blue. The branding can be removed or replaced in about 5 seconds, I just thought as it was specifically for that light I’d put the name on also I messaged Terry from Wurkkos to see if he’d like to host it for others to download, and he’d likely want his brand on there.
I have to say I’ve been waiting years to get a 3d printer that worked out of the box without me really having to to tinker too much (and believe me there are millions of things to tinker with which I still have no idea about) but this 3d printer is as close as you’ll get for the price to a ‘normal’ printer -you plug it in, it does 99% of the work (levleling etc) itself and you just press print. I am not lying when I say it’s the best £300 I have ever spent. I’ve been watching it for days, fascinating.
In case anyone is interested it’s a Flashforge Adventurer 5M. This guy does a really good set of videos on it.

5 Thanks

Thanks PP, I dunno if you have one - but if you haven’t well perhaps it’s time to jump on that wagon (I know you are an engineer lol) so you would love it.

Dammit G0OSE. I was blissfully kidding myself that i didn’t need a printer… :yum: