So my X75 battery pack no longer was taking a charge so i opened it up and found this. Has anyone else experienced this its only had about 12 charge cycles
The end-caps on those resistors seem melted clean off, so looks like a catastrophic overcurrent.
Better them than the cells…
Those are smd capacitors not resistors. No idea why or how they fried though.
3 in parallel? Interesting…
Okay, I’m stumped.
contact Acebeam
I had similar problems with a Manker MK38, twice!
The charging PCB has quite some similarities to Aceabeam’s X50, especially the upgraded version I received after the 2nd catastrophic fail.
Since then, with the improved BMS/Charging PCB everything is golden.
For me is looking like the electrolytic capacitor ( 100microF / 35V) leaked and damaged the traces … Clean with alcohol and check the capacitor , the fuse and redo the traces and the soldering for the smd capacitors . The resistor R005 does not look damaged so , you have a chance . Good luck and keep us posted .
Of course replace the capacitor with a high quality one !!!
Don’t think its salvageable looks like it blew through copper trace would you or anyone for that mayter know where to find new board AceBeam told me to buy whole new pack. With only 20 cycles on this one i can’t justify it lol
Make a post on r/flashlight complaining about this issue and tag the Acebeam representative. With some public pressure Acebeam should replace/fix the light for you, not ask you to buy a new pack.
Very unfortunate that this move is necessary, but it is what it is.
O.K. ! Seeing your picture is telling me that you have the skills and the proper tools to repair it ! Maybe I’m too optimistic , but is worth a shoot…
There was a short btw. the + and the - of the electrolytic capacitor. The 3 ceramic capacitor , in parallel are for decoupling and I think they are in the range of 47 to 100nF , NOT very critical.
If the fuse is intact , and I do think that it is , cause the + is going thru it , as it suppose to be, AFTER the electrolytic , check if the + and the - are not shorted , and if it is , scrap all the solder residues. You can place a smd , 220nF in the upper side where there is stil copper trace and , of course , an electrolytic , and you are good to go …If the fuse is blown is end of the game , most likely a mosfet down stream is gone . Also check if the R005 is intact .
I had a similar problem in an Acebeam EC60 but there everything was burned out , and Acebeam were not responsive so , except the led and the body , everything got to scrap…
I have an interesting question… is it even BMS?
BMS should have more than B+ and B-, it should also have connections to all individual cells in series, which i do not see here. Are they on the other side of the board?
Because if they are not - may be the BMS is somewhere else and this one is simply a charger? In that case this one would not be critical for operation, simply removing it and charging with charger suitable for appropriate voltage pack may be a reasonable workaround, given the price of this pack.
Have to make sure there is actual BMS there though, just to be safe.
Also if it does include BMS - a cheap simple replacement can be used, only needed to provide appropriate protections, and then external charger…
Hello dear, Our CS sent you email about the solution. Please check if it enters in your spam box. I sent you PM also. We are awaiting for your reply. Thank you!
Nothing on other side of the board all contained on one side your right about the charging it will not work but the light still fuctions
Thanks for the advice i made complaint on reddit low and behold acebeam is shipping new one on monday thanks again QR
Acebeam sending new board on Monday thank you for the support