Custom XHP50 P60 Drop-in for a customer
XHP50 on copper
LD-2 driver
Moonlight enabled
3000 lumens approx on x2 IMR 18350’s
Custom XHP50 P60 Drop-in for a customer
XHP50 on copper
LD-2 driver
Moonlight enabled
3000 lumens approx on x2 IMR 18350’s
That's gotta be one bright, wide-angled flooder!
Oh yeah! Gets hot fast though!
Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m guessing with that small of a reflector no dark x is created? That looks like one nice wall of light?
Yes, slight dark spot, you’ll never be able to get rid of it fully though, but in real use (not white wall) it’s not as visible
I had a FET driven XHP50 in a P60 for about 2hours. It got REALLY hot. How long does it take the LD2 to hit temperature step-down?
I’ve not installed the NTC sensor
Well let’s hope your buyer knows how to handle such power!
We shall hope so! Haha, I think it would probably step down pretty quick if the sensor was installed
Does the dark center spot bother you with that smo reflector? You were not thinking of rather using orange peel?
Now thats a P60FT, Flame Thrower. OR I should probably say, the P60PB, Palm Burner!
Better have a McClicky or some solid copper
Whats the operational voltage range of the LD-2 driver with your set up?
Yeah definitely needed!
It’s setup for 2 cell, so 5.6-8.7V
Pretty sure the woody I’m making as a prize light will have the XHP 50 in it and an LD-2 with moon though I’m not sure if there will be time to change the moon resistor.