"XHP70.3" Headlamp

These stores always surprise me with their interesting products. They should’ve published it on 1 Apr. :smiley:
It’s also advertised as a 45000 lumens light.

Aliexpress link

Why do you link through a click tracker?

Unforunately that’s the only sharable link you can copy through the AliExpress mobile app.

I see.

I consider adding click tracking links to be rude.
But I don’t see a particularly easy way to avoid it in this case. :frowning:

Here’s the actual link:

So, this is supposed to be an “XHP70.3”? :sunglasses:

It has high power glare lamp beads! What could be better than that?

I was using my mobile phone when I saw that product. I didn’t mean to offend anyone. I don’t know what a tracking link mean prior to you post. :open_mouth:

This headlamp must have 1kg radiator for proper heat dissipation

“灯珠” means LED/emitter in Chinese. Since they use a character-by-character translation, it translates to “lamp beads”, which is really awkward but funny at the same time. :smiley:

Yeah, I suspected neglect rather than bad intentions though I knew that unawareness was a likely culprit. In general I tend to view these similarly to allowing your software to insert ads to what you write (“Posted with XXX” and stuff).
Nevertheless I know I can’t really expect people to stop using badly behaving software (like the ali app) or to manually strip tracking every time they publish links. So…thank you for going the extra length to actually do it.

I was too abrupt in my previous responses, I’m sorry for that.

No hard feelings. :slight_smile:
The good thing is I have learnt something new.

Okay, that's definitely not an XHP-anything, especially not 70.3.

But what is it? It's funny-looking and I'm curious.