Yeah, I am more into “daily drivers” but also want the maximum performance so “3A” per emitter, I like the STAR V1.1 because with a Nanjg 105c and 8*7135 you get 2.8A, so wide open the thing makes ALOT of heat but it throttles back after 2 min, back down to an approx 50% setting so even at that almost 3A, at 50% it’s equivalent of pushing 1400mA which is respectable and can run all day long without issues, but I do have the ability to “punch it” if I need to
Truthfully the BLF SRK 32*7135, I’m not even sure my el-cheapo SRK is even going to be able to handle the heat…all it has is the thin triple emitter plate and not much heatsinking at all, but for the sake of R&D, I am willing to push the limits for the community