Hi guys are there any good xm-l2 drop ins yet ? i’ve been looking around and they all seem to be under powered, e.g the new Solarforce ones are only 2A at full power
The ability of the heat to conduct thru a material...copper is MUCH better than aluminum, and aluminum is better than brass.
Silver is better than all of em...but silver is crazy expensive...thus unless you are crazy rich...you ain't getting a silver pill :D
rojos posted a link to a pill from intl-outdoor, the pill the P60 drop in is made in, is the same as the DIY pill from fasttech and the needed emitter, driver, and extra chips if you want them
'ALXM' is nothing to do with aluminum (unless it refers to the MCPCB, which I doubt, else there would be a CUXM listed right alongside it by now, which IOS hasn't bothered to put out yet even though they have their own line of Cu MCPCBs), it has a brass pill like all other kit-style P60 dropins.
Way back when I had a Ultrafire XM-L P60 dropin, back before the XML2s had filtered down to more everyday stuff. I think the driver was 2.5A but had off-time memory which is generally nicer to use than the typical Nanjg-based on-time memory. It was not bad at all, all things considered. They're now using XML2 and as far as I can tell the same driver.
Whoah...that KD one is pretty nice! 5 mode, wait...2.5A, is that 7*7135 [2450mA..hmm], and it's not breaking the bank..not bad! (looking at the images, it doesn't have any chips on the spring side...wonder if "truth in advertising" is an issue
Well, thermal conductivity isn’t all there is to a pill. Depending on the situation, Brass can be better than Aluminum or Copper.
Brass is easier to work with than aluminum. The fact that you can solder directly to it makes it more flexible for DIY. You can’t solder direct to aluminum without special techniques, and that makes an aluminum pill kind of useless unless it has a built in retaining ring or adapter for the driver.
Copper isn’t all it’s cracked up to be either. Brass and Aluminum can maintain excellent electrical conductivity without special finishes applied to the surface. Raw copper, depending on the environment, can form a thick electrically resistive oxide layer reducing electrical conductivity or sometimes cutting it off entirely. That’s why, for certain applications, copper needs to be electroplated.
Well when you solder the emitter directly to the copper, that oxide layer should be eliminated (I make sure I scrub the pad down with rubbing alcohol before I try to reflow), and thus pulls more of the heat away faster spreading it over a larger surface area, then on to aluminum or brass, aluminum would be better at pulling it away from the larger surface area than brass would (not counting the reduced efficiency of epoxy/RTV between the emitter base and the pill itself) but I’m not a scientist so I am only speculating
and yes, I 100% agree the ability to solder on brass over aluminum IS a huge bonus!
I am just thinking along the lines of heatsinking not “electrical conductivity” as well
Is brass cheaper than aluminum? (in a raw material standpoint)
not arguing with you, just trying to make sense of it all, I am a “beginner” DIY’er so I respect your comments and wisdom
I think the best thing is to not over think it. Most DIY pills are brass and they work fine. Unless you’re going to drive your lights super hard for long stretches of time, there’s no real need to go out of your way to get an aluminum or a copper pill.
The biggest problem with budget light pills isn’t that they are made of brass, it’s that too many of them are not flat. The mounting surface on some budget pills are absolutely awful, and that does more to limit thermal performance than anything else.