Xmods: PilotPTK Neutral-White Triple XM-L goes into the CNQG Extreme Longrun (REVEAL)

Very nicely done!

Very nice work!

Heh...I'm digging these Xmods! Great choice of host, and again, wonderful machining. That should have no problems with soaking up a bit of heat.

Although at first glance I thought it was a 3xAA with those big azz meat hooks holding that battery carrier Tongue Out

Man you got it smoking right now you are churning out some sweet work! You the man!

:open_mouth: :nerd_face: :heart_eyes:

I have clarified the cell size in the OP - thanks for pointing that out.

The light is now wired up and together. Please see the third post for a bit of a surprise.

I'm really digging the programmable UI, and I've changed it up at least ten times - Pilot PTK outdid himself, including such versatility in the module.

Beamshots and integrating sphere measurements to follow.

Nice, do you have a cerakoting set up or did you send it out? I agree though, the UI is truly amazing.

I sent it out to bugsy714 on the other side. His guy did a great job.

After testing, the max temp feature needed to be adjusted to 65c to allow for longer runs at max power.

The light body stabilized at around 45c after approximately ten minutes of operation.

And this is around 2100L? Can the optics be clear instead of the diffused? That looks like a very good light, pocket sun as it were! lol

They don't sell clear optics, you can sand them down and polish them on a buffing wheel.

man, do you sell these?

I have the host and modules to make another, if interested.

This light has become my favorite dog-walking torch.

definitely PM sent