I checked the specs of XP-L and XP-L Hi but not sure what are the differences between them. Can someone let me know? Thanks.
I don’t want to be a dick, but a simple search would have found your answer
Sorry for my ignorance. It looks like comparing Lumens, XP-L with higher version number is actually better.
Thank you for pointing out.
If you don’t want to be something, don’t lose your integrity and become that what you do not want to be… Unless this is a passive-aggressive thing that you like to do…
In reality, it took you longer to post about not wanting to be something instead of just the links to the threads, so you did really want to be that something here.
I say this as I had been on this site for over two months prior to finding the search bar as I had firefox turned up for security, thus blocking it. Some rather polite nudges got me to find the search bar, not someone senior acting like they don’t want to be something they have to work to pretend not to be by writing some extra words…
Stay classy PD
I consider this my “polite nudge”
In my case, I Googled but I haven’t formed the habit to search this forum yet. I will certainly do that next time. Thanks for all the comments.