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Has he blatantly disrespected anyone? Or has he been goofing off & being silly? If you knew his real name you would know his methods…. Annoying people is life.

They miss everything… Kinda sad actually…

I didn’t say anything about “disrespect”. I said that he might not be “very respected”. At least not by everyone.

I made a point of mentioning that he has made many contributions to the community. And I think that a lot of members feel that the community is better with him than without him.

But there are also some members who are tired of his antics and think that the community would be better without him. He elicits a mixed response.

That’s why I said “respect” might not be the best word to use. A synonym for respect is esteem, and I think that’s a word normally reserved for members who elicit a universally positive response.

From the DSM 4. No one has control over another. No one can make you feel anything. UNLESS you choose to.

Thank you for that bit of completely irrelevant psychobabble.

You look for a reason to be annoyed. So surprisingly , you find it. LOL

this is confusing, just like dinobaby

People seem to be somewhat Hyper-sensitive. No one has been attacked or disrespected. So there truly is no “trolling” going on. Just someone goofing off that has exceeded the intelligence of some members. LOL

I might like to get this charger but it’s Price: $91.80 atm

My mistake. Not psychobabble. It was you using a psychiatric guideline to point out where I had made a semantic error. That’s fine.

Dinoboy isn’t strictly responsible for how people respond to him, I suppose. But regardless of who is responsible, some people do have negative feelings about him. It seems that you don’t share those feelings.

LOL!! Psychiatric? Nah, just making a point. But go with what ya like… Just offering a different perspective.

I think I just broke my neck twisting to look at this…

When I read that I thought that about sums it up.

If you look at his signature, you can probably figure out who he is!

I’m still in the dark, but I do appreciate the original post and look forward to more like them.

Is independent thought completely irrelevant these days? You didn’t even form your own thought. You rode someone’s coat tails…. LMAO, WOW your sum certainly impresses the masses. I can’t take it any more… I feel my IQ dropping … Night all. Try not to stick your tongues in the light sockets.

is he from the other side?

Who? What side?

Sorry! I hope your neck is okay. >.<