Your best stock flashlight buy in 2014?

To answer the OP

1. BLF Special Edition X6
2. Convoy C8 (ah crud…I flashed w/ custom firmware…so no longer stock)
3. Convoy S2, S2, S2 mini (18350)

Those I have left bone stock…

Now the modified ones…well…there is a big list :wink:

For 2014, I ordered 21 flashlights in all and so far I received 14 - the rest are still in transit.

Of the 14, the flashlights that I left in its stock form - and which I have no plan of modding - are:

1. Eagle Eye BLF Special Edition X6
2. XinTD X3

Others were all modded and so will be the ones in transit which includes a Courui D01 (Gray) and a SolarStorm SP03. :bigsmile:

However, my best stock flashlight since I started with this hobby in January 2013 is my 4Sevens Maelstrom X10.

That’s Palutena, Goddess of Light. Seemed fitting.

H52W. What an awesome EDC/practical light.

Logged in to post this. AA plus 14500. Mode selection runs deep. Clip is solid, lightweight, tail stands with good pocket-ability. Beautiful to look at as well. Easily my best stock light purchase this year.

Another very happy K40M buyer here! Probably my best flashlight purchase ever!

Honorable mentions are:

Eagle Eye BLF Special Edition X6
XintD X3
NiteCore HC50
Olight Baton S20-L2

2014 was a bright year for flashlights. ;)

Zebralight Sc62w.

K40M +1

I haven’t gotten into this hobby as much yet as most of you, so my purchases this year have been few and cheap. But, to choose a “best” I’d have to first define what “best” was going to be. I actually have three different “best” lights that I’ve bought this year, I guess. Now, don’t laugh. I did say I’m new at this. Here they are: “Best Thrower” goes to the Courui D01. “Best Budget Value” goes to the BLF Edition X6 (still amazed at what we got for <$20). “Best All-Around” (most practical for everything I actually use a flashlight for) goes to the Olight S20-L2 Baton. I gave the Olight to my daughter when the X6-SE lights arrived. Now, I wish I had it back.

For me, it was my K40M and my Thrunite TN12 (2014)
These 2 are keepers, for sure :bigsmile:

That is a great post and list David! :)


For those wondering. Yes, I consider the BLF X6 SE to be a stock light. Unless its been modified after arrival. ;)

I hope that when I say best, It does not literally have to be the most expensive, most wonderful light etc... Everyone can define "best" as they want.

Since many seem to want to mention modded lights, I started a new but similar thread for modified lights just to keep the different lights separated. :)

Your best modified flashlight (buy) in 2014?

Another, Zebralight Sc62w.

For me, it's a cross between the K40M and the Maxtoch 2XShooter. Both are bright and with tons of illumination value. The 2X has taken up a place in my duty belt for work purposes (fits in the Stinger holster just fine). Every single day, it re-impresses me with its ability to light up buildings in the distance across from my property.

Many thanks :slight_smile:

Mine has to be the Sunwayman D40A. From moonlight mode to turbo and it runs on AA’s. Very easy light to recommend to non-flashaholics.

^ D40A, good call. I didn't buy mine in 2014, but I would call it my best all time stock light (Not stock now though).

Since I tend to buy lights on the cheap that have problems (gives me stuff to mod), my best stock purchase is a clear stand out, the TK75. Also the most expensive light I have ever purchased. I wouldn't have purchased a light like this, but it has so much right and has so much mod potential as RaceR86 has shown.

My Coast HP550. I run the latest gen. Eneloops in it…

i also got a nextorch k3 penlight too and it goes well so far. the design’s nice and compact, i carry it everday and it works well every time i need a light.

My pleasure, Gaston.

Easy choice here, The LuckySun D80 is it for me in 2014.
This torch just continues to amaze and impress me for the size/cost/output and ease of carry/use.

It has a very pleasant beam, killer AR lens, great build quality and light weight.
The UI mode sequence, as is well known is funky, but considering it always comes on to High and has a very nice .04 amp low, these modes are really all you usually need. When you want to impress someone the over 4 amp Turbo will do that in short order when using a quality battery.

Dollar for dollar it is hard to beat.
Full review here;

Great thread,