Your coolest / best / favorite flashlight of 2023?

I like my TS10s, mostly the 3000K copper and 4000K brass, but they are too small and not bright enough for any job other than illuminating a dark room in the house, at night. Mostly used outsides are my Olight Marauder Minis. And I have two real favourite lights - a copper FW3A with Rev812 Andúril, which I modified to 3x 519A 4500K DD - and a new KR4 TiCu , also on Rev812, with 4x 519A 4500K DD and boost driver.

buy once cry once

else you’ll come looking at HDS every now and then

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Impressive list

How is the cutoff for this counted?

I just ordered a light 2 days ago. No way it comes before new years, but if it turns out I love, it technically I bought it in 2023. :smiley: lol

by the year in which you receive the light:

Wurkkos TS10, AGAIN this year. I’ve scaled back my buying considerably simply because there hasn’t been any updated offerings that catch my eye. The only other purchases I’ve made have been Thrunite TC20 PRO in XHP 70.3 for runtime/regulation/ improved tint, and Sofirn’s IF23 (meh).
I just love the TS10. Those CSP 2323 emitters in 4000K are absolutely gorgeous in all the samples I’ve purchased with exception of the stonewashed Ti version. That and the increased QC issues with the newer batches has put me in a holding pattern with my continued collection of this model. I sincerely hope the HD10 or whatever model number Wurkkos designates for the new right angle 14500 headlamp release reverts to the quality of the original TS10, specifically with respect to the emmiter binning. I’d rely heavily on a turnkey unit that provides such superior color rendering.

2 Thanks

Of all the stuff there I think the most fun / dollar / tint / output was the Convoy M21H FC40 4000K / 5000K. Too bad about the side clicky UI though. I hope Hank does D1K with direct compatibility with Olgas or something.

I don’t have many 1800K / 3000K GT FC 40s from anyone, including Simon, but his 4000K and 5000K have been consistently dead neutral or -Duv, especially with green AR. He must know which bins are best (other companies have given me very poor lottery). His driver also seems to push it a little harder than Hank’s.

My only new light this year, the Armytek Wizard C1 Pro Magnet USB Warm, the perfect EDC for my needs in winter months. I already loved its bigger version, so it was a no brainer. It replaced the Acebeam TK16 which died on me.

Even that quote says when you Bought it… lol.

I was indeed teasing to begin with… mostly. :wink:

lol, yes it does… your selective reading is almost as good as my selective hearing :wink:

I hope you enjoy the light, when you receive it, next year, lol

Merry New Day… :wink:

1 Thank

My coolest is the Acebeam M1. It’s a fun toy, although I haven’t had the need to actually use the LEP yet.

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The best one is still Wurkkos TS10

2 Thanks

Wurkkos TS22 nw and Wurkkos WK15 with sfh55 led.

ZebraLight H600Fd

I actually bought two of them used. One for myself and one for the wife, mainly for nighttime x-country skiing.

Skiing is hard enough in the day, you ski at night?

Armytek Wizard Nichia

Tough to decide. Notable lights this year:

  • Wurkkos TS10 Ti - Beautiful light. Nice size for EDC. Adequate output for close-in work. Stock clip sucks but fortunately there are better 3rd-party options available.
  • Emisar D4K variable tint - Nice grip. Good output. However, from a functional standpoint the constant current version is probably more useful than variable tint.
  • Zebralight SC65C - Another excellent light from Zebralight. Love the small size coupled with superb heat regulation. Able to maintain fairly high output much longer than any of my other comparably sized lights.

I also had fun in 2023 installing several dozen Nichia 519a in many of my favorite older lights.

3 Thanks

Could you be more specific what your favorites are? You have the P17, P18 and P19… as the best Tactical?

Updated the list till here…

Quick reminder: Please use the full name of the flashlight

It will make it much easier for me to add your light to the list :smiley:

Thank you!

Sorry left it a bit late, with only a few days left of 2023.

My coolest, and also favourite is definitely the Imalent R60C. I love a bright wall of light with a nice bit of throw.

My best flashlight is the Amutorch dm90 which I purchased in 2023 for hunting at night. It is Sbt90.2 and has 2.5 km of throw. I love watching the intense 1.8Mcd beam pierce the night like a lightsaber.