Your coolest / best / favorite flashlight of 2023?

Time for the yearly tradition:

What was your coolest / nicest / best flashlight(s) of 2023?

What were your favorites of 2023? (Flashlights / headlamps etc).

(See updated list in reply #2)

They can be in any category. Multiple categories are also fine.

Please use the Full Name of the flashlight! Brand + model number/name
Note: LED type, Color, Material, Driver types will be combined…
For example, all Wurkkos TS10 versions are combined… including color, LED, Ti, Cu, RGB etc.

Fenix TK16 instead of just TK16 (there are 2 brands using that same product name)

Pictures are always welcome and could make the thread even more interesting

(PLEASE ONLY LIGHTS YOU GOT IN 2023) (bought/received)

Always fun to look back at past years’ favorites as well…

so here we go:

What were the most popular lights of 2022

What were the most popular lights of 2021

What were the most popular lights of 2020

What were the most popular lights of 2019

What were the most popular lights of 2018

What were the most popular lights of 2017

What were the most popular lights of 2016

What was your best flashlight of 2015

Best stock flashlight buy in 2014

Best modified flashlight buy in 2014

Best 3 of 2013

Best budget flashlights of 2012

Best budget light in category : value for money 2011

What’s the best flashlight, (for the money you paid) that you ever bought? 2010

2 Thanks

Wurkkos Titanium TS10V2
Wurkkos Copper TS10V2
ex equo.

3 Thanks

Most popular Flashlights for 2023 on BLF were:

Flashlight Count Total
Wurkkos TS10 (all versions) 1111111111111 13
Emisar D4Sv2 11111 5
Acebeam E75 1111 4
Emisar D4K (all versions) 1111 4
Acebeam Pokelit AA 111 3
Emisar D2 111 3
Acebeam Terminator M1 11 2
Armytek Wizard C2 Pro Nichia 11 2
Convoy M21H 11 2
Convoy S3 11 2
Lumintop FW3A 11 2
Wurkkos HD15 11 2
Acebeam E70 mini 1 1
Acebeam L19 2.0 1 1
Acebeam L35 1 1
Acebeam P16 1 1
Acebeam P17 1 1
Acebeam P18 1 1
Acebeam TK18 1 1
Acebeam W3 1 1
Acebeam X80-GT 2 1 1
Aliexpress S11 (Rovyvon clone) 1 1
Amutorch XT45 Nb90.16 1 1
Armytek Wizard C1 Pro Magnet USB Warm 1 1
Armytek Wizard Nichia 1 1
Astrolux EC01X 1 1
Astrolux EC07 1 1
BLF Q8 1 1
Convoy 3x21D SBT90 1 1
Convoy L21B 1 1
Convoy M21B 1 1
Convoy M21F 1 1
Convoy M26D 1 1
Convoy S21B 1 1
Convoy S21D 1 1
Convoy S21E 1 1
Convoy S6 1 1
Convoy T3 1 1
Emisar D1S 1 1
Emisar D2 1 1
Fenix TK20R V2.0 1 1
Haikelite MT09R 1 1
HDS Rotary 1 1
Imalent SR16 1 1
Imalent SR32 1 1
Jetbeam M64 1 1
Jetbeam RRT-01 1 1
Lumintop FWAA 1 1
Lumintop GT Nano 1 1
Lumintop Mach 4695 1 1
Manker MC13 II 1 1
Manta Ray Osram 1 1
Noctigon M44 1 1
Novatac 120P 1 1
Olight Marauder Mini 1 1
Skilhunt E2A 1 1
Skilhunt EC300 1 1
Skilhunt H150 1 1
Skilhunt H300 1 1
Skilhunt M200 v3 1 1
Skilhunt MiX-7 1 1
Sofirn BLF LT1 1 1
Sofirn HS20 1 1
Sofirn SC21 1 1
Sofirn SC21 Pro 1 1
Sofirn SC33 1 1
Sofirn Q8 Plus 1 1
Tunenge S15 1 1
Wuben TO50R 1 1
Wurkkos HD20 1 1
Wurkkos HD50 1 1
Wurkkos TS22 1 1
Wurkkos TS25 1 1
Wurkkos TS30S pro 1 1
Wurkkos WK15 1 1
ZebraLight H600Fd 1 1
Zebralight SC65C 1 1
Zebralight SC700Fd 1 1

I think we are already seeing a winner :smiley:

3 Thanks

In 2023, I received three of the best flashlights that I own.
It was a superb year for flashlights (for me.) :grin:

Best EDC flashlight:
Convoy M21F with XHP70.3 HI emitter

Best smaller keychain flashlight:
Tunenge S15

Best headlight:
Sofirn HS20 with SFT40 emitter

This years results are easy to pick.

Wurkkos TS10 any/all colors will be winner by a mile.

However my most used models of EDC this year are both ACEBEAM Pokelit AA.
Cool White at only $19.99
The one most used is actually the cool white version because of the 1000 lumens on battery burning High.

Green version Pokelit AA with 90+ CRI Nichia 219F is actually less $ currently at $16.95 Amazon;

1 Thank

This year I got the brightest flashlight in my collection (so far).

The Imalent SR16

More images and beamshots here: [NLD] Imalent SR16 - Beamshots and Comparison (+ a question about camera settings)

These were all purchased this year and have special value to me.

Novatac 120P

HDS Rotary w DD 519a
HDS Rotary w sw45ik
added tritted Ti Bezel:

Jetbeam RRT-01 w sw45k

Skilhunt H150 w 519a 4500K

Sofirn SC21 Pro w DD 519a and Pebbled Tir

I know I will be the only one voting for these light by anyway here goes.

For small light:

Acebeam TAC AA.

For medium size light:

Astrolux EC07 The reason: Most innovative design. Infinitely variable color temperature, oversize battery, and built in laser.

For a large light:

Astrolux EC01X The reason again, very innovative design, wonderful form factor, smooth lines, ginormous battery.

Not cool but favorite this year - Convoy L21B SFT40. Not a hint of guilt after finally grabbing one of these no-nonsense, terrific-value lights.

2 Thanks

5000k or 6500k SFT40?

6,500K but only job is to throw in outdoors, open settings.

1 Thank

The SFT40 6500k isn’t too bad–I have it in a Convoy S21A. I’m thinking if I get an L21B I’ll probably grab a 5000k unless someone tellls me the output loss is significant.

L21B is such a beautifully flashlighty flashlight :smiley:

I have been wanting an HDS light for some time now. I always compare the size and the price, then I talk myself out of it.

I did that for about 5 years… then a couple came up used, for a slight discount, and I finally took the leap…

I still prefer the Original Jetbeam RRT-01… but, they are very hard to come by… the 2020 RRT-01 is quite similar to an HDS, costs a LOT less, its just larger and heavier than the early model… and they added a tailswitch, so its even more similar to an HDS…


This is easy.

The power went out about an hour and a half before daylight this morning. The light that I used in the pouring rain to start the generator.
Armytek Wizard C2 Pro Nichia 3000k. That is the full name model number. Please squeeze it all in. It was created for and is only available at Armytek Wizard C2 Pro Nichia Magnet USB Warm - 3000k — Killzone Flashlights

2 Thanks

Honestly, having gone through so many lights, buying a pile to test, then giving them out, I’ve mostly settled on an Acebeam Pokelit AA Cu. The big ol’ hotspot really makes the most out of such a small light, and the lack of mode memory makes this such a better UI compared to the stock one. Though I certainly do miss my Malkoff MDC 1AA with SST-20 at 4000K. Great light.

My favorites of 2023:

  • 21700: Emisar D4K boost w/ 519A 5700K dedomed, grey w/ steel bezel and clip
  • 18650: FW3A TK Purple edition w/ thefreeman driver + RGB aux, 519A 5700K DD
  • Headlamp: Emisar D2, red, w/ 219B sw45k + Osram W1, in a ZebraLight H52 headband
  • AA/14500: FWAA w/ thefreeman driver + RGB aux
  • 14500: Wurkkos TS10 Ti
3 Thanks

This year might be the easiest year ever, it’s a very easy picking in terms of new releases.

Coolest small light:

Wurkkos TS10, specifically the TS10v2 in polished Titanium/Copper
The huge variety in finishes and other options for the TS10 in general is spectacular though, and the tint of the revised TS10v2 is perfect, right around 4400k in turbo and negative in DUV.

The second pick for new releases would be the Emisar D2 (in White/Red), it is very nice but it just isn’t nice or cheap enough to make me end up with 13 of them like the TS10 has done.

Here are most of my TS10s including a single-emitter reflector mod, a brass version that I polished to a mirror (and instantly got dirty with fingerprints) and the very rare MAO version.

Coolest big light:

Convoy 3x21D SBT90 (aka Pioneman K90)

It throws ridiculously far for the size and price, and is relatively easy to modify. The Convoy UI is not perfect, but it is usable for a big thrower. Pretty easy pick IMO, though mine has been modified after acquiring it.

For the category of lights I’ve bought, but weren’t released this year it’s harder to choose.

For small lights its an easy pick:

Lumintop GT Nano (original NarsilM version)
Very throwy, very small, UI is decent unlike the new version

Big lights have a 3 way tie, all are older lights no longer manufactured and I can’t decide which I like more:

Haikelite MT09R (XHP70.2 version)
Thorfire BLF Q8 found a like-new (AKA the Sofirn BLF Q8)
Emisar D1S (modified by ArtieT59 with an SFT40 emitter and new driver)

The MT09R has a good looking host and a very useful beam profile, but has terribly blue tint. It feels amazing in the hand though, even if it heats up quite fast on turbo it stays cool in lower modes.
The BLF Q8 has a similarly nice beam, but a more reasonable CCT and basically runs forever on turbo. I ceiling bounce it as lighting for taking photos often, as that smooths out the tint shift.
The D1S was a light on my bucket list for a long time, after realizing I missed out on it many years ago. The beam is perfectly focused and incredibly throwy, almost 300kcd on turbo and the light is tiny for the performance.

Though, the overall winner for lights I got this year has to be my modded Emisar D4Sv2 with LMP W5050SQ3 emitters, it is incredibly intense and has nearly-perfect tint. It’s not something you can just buy, but it can be built and it’s pretty small for a 100kcd neutral white thrower. I’m hoping that Hank releases a 21700 tube for it soon, good 26650s have gotten scarce and the 26800 tube is overkill for a 21700.

1 Thank

I don’t really like the 3X21D, it has an unregulated driver and its actual output falls well short of the spec. I like the L7 more, but I’ll have to agree I really like the 3X21D’s form factor