Time for the yearly tradition:
What was your coolest / nicest / best flashlight(s) of 2023?
What were your favorites of 2023? (Flashlights / headlamps etc).
(See updated list in reply #2)
They can be in any category. Multiple categories are also fine.
Please use the Full Name of the flashlight! Brand + model number/name
Note: LED type, Color, Material, Driver types will be combined…
For example, all Wurkkos TS10 versions are combined… including color, LED, Ti, Cu, RGB etc.
Fenix TK16 instead of just TK16 (there are 2 brands using that same product name)
Pictures are always welcome and could make the thread even more interesting
(PLEASE ONLY LIGHTS YOU GOT IN 2023) (bought/received)
Always fun to look back at past years’ favorites as well…
so here we go:
What were the most popular lights of 2022
What were the most popular lights of 2021
What were the most popular lights of 2020
What were the most popular lights of 2019
What were the most popular lights of 2018
What were the most popular lights of 2017
What were the most popular lights of 2016
What was your best flashlight of 2015
Best stock flashlight buy in 2014
Best modified flashlight buy in 2014
Best 3 of 2013
Best budget flashlights of 2012
Best budget light in category : value for money 2011
What’s the best flashlight, (for the money you paid) that you ever bought? 2010