Your coolest / best / favorite flashlight of 2024?

Time for the yearly tradition:

What was your coolest / nicest / best flashlight(s) of 2024?

What were your favorites of 2024? (Flashlights / headlamps etc).

(See updated list in reply #2)

They can be in any category. Multiple categories are also fine.

Please use the Full Name of the flashlight! Brand + model number/name
Note: LED type, Color, Material, Driver types will be combined…
For example, all Wurkkos TS10 versions are combined… including color, LED, Ti, Cu, RGB etc.

Fenix TK16 instead of just TK16 (there are 2 brands using that same product name)

Pictures are always welcome and could make the thread even more interesting

(PLEASE ONLY LIGHTS YOU GOT IN 2024) (bought/received)

Always fun to look back at past years’ favorites as well…

so here we go:

What were the most popular lights of 2023

What were the most popular lights of 2022

What were the most popular lights of 2021

What were the most popular lights of 2020

What were the most popular lights of 2019

What were the most popular lights of 2018

What were the most popular lights of 2017

What were the most popular lights of 2016

What was your best flashlight of 2015

Best stock flashlight buy in 2014

Best modified flashlight buy in 2014

Best 3 of 2013

Best budget flashlights of 2012

Best budget light in category : value for money 2011

What’s the best flashlight, (for the money you paid) that you ever bought? 2010

4 Thanks

reserved … Please use the full name of the flashlight

btw 11 = 2, and 111 is 3 :smiley:

Flashlight Count Total
Emisar D3AA 1111111111 10
Wurkkos HD10 1111111 7
Convoy S6 11111 5
FireflyLite X4 Stellar 11111 5
Sofirn HS21 11111 5
FireflyLite E07X Cannon 1111 4
Wurkkos FC11C 1111 4
Acebeam P20 111 3
Convoy 3x21D 111 3
Emisar D4K 111 3
FireflyLite E04 Surge 111 3
Wurkkos TS10 Max 111 3
Wurkkos TS10 v2 111 3
Acebeam L35 v2 11 2
Convoy L21B 11 2
Convoy M21E 11 2
Convoy M21F 11 2
Convoy M21H 11 2
FireflyLite X1L 11 2
FireflyLite X4Q comet 11 2
Sofirn LT1S 11 2
Sofirn Q8 Pro 11 2
Wurkkos HD16 11 2
Wurkkos TD01C 11 2
Wurkkos TS10 11 2
Wurkkos TS11 11 2
Wurkkos TS12 11 2
Wurkkos TS26S 11 2
Acebeam E75 1 1
Acebeam H16 1 1
Ants On A Melon RGB Critter BT 1 1
Convoy C8 1 1
Convoy M1 1 1
Convoy M21B 1 1
Convoy S2 1 1
Convoy S2+ 1 1
Convoy S21D 1 1
Convoy T3 1 1
Convoy T4 1 1
Emisar D18 1 1
Emisar DM11 1 1
Emisar DW4 1 1
FireflyLite L70 1 1
Fireflylite X1S Pharos 1 1
Jetbeam M37 Pro 1 1
Klarus XT21X Pro 1 1
Light Painting Paradise LightPainter Ryu’s Lightworks V2 1 1
Lumintop DF2 1 1
Lumintop Thor 3 1 1
Nightwatch NS14R v2 1 1
Nitecore Nu20 1 1
Olight Seeker 4 Mini 1 1
Skilhunt EC200 1 1
Skilhunt Mix-7 Gen 2 Plus 1 1
Sofirn HS20 1 1
Sofirn HS42 1 1
Sofirn IF23 Pro 1 1
Sofirn Q8 Plus 1 1
Sofirn SC21 Pro 1 1
Sunwayman V11R Mirage 1 1
Vastlite Sima 1 1
Weltool F6R 1 1
Wurkkos FC11 1 1
Wurkkos HD01 1 1
Wurkkos HD11 1 1
Wurkkos TS10 SG 1 1
Wurkkos TS10Vs 1 1
Zebralight SC 53c N 1 1
Zebralight SC65C Hi 1 1

Updated January 20, 2024

Convoy C8, SFT25R emitter. By far the cheapest way to get 1km of ANSI throw, and does so beautifully. The availability of 7mm opening reflector and 7mm square 3535 gasket makes it much easier to get a nicer beam than theoretically throwier emitters like W1.

7 Thanks

Mine favourites in 2024: New Wurkkos TS10Vs,
Wurkkos TS10 Ti-Cu
Wurkkos HD01

Happy New Year of the “Snake” in 2025!

My favourite flashlight of 2024 is: Wurkkos TD01C.

1 Thank

Coolest flashlight of the year?

Emisar D3AA, blue anodized Ti-CU with dedomed Nichia 519a 5700K.

2 Thanks

Didn’t buy much this year.

Wurkkos TS10 max takes the cake for me

2 Thanks

I think I got one light in 2024 (that I love), but it’s my primary EDC.
Convoy M21E with 5000K SFT70 emitter. :heart_eyes:

3 Thanks

Tracking number says should be delivered today.

2 x Convoy S21d 519a 4000k 60 degree lens

1 x Convoy M21e Sft40 3000k

Wurkkos MAO TS10 V2
Emisar D3AA
Sofirn SC21 Pro
Sofirn LT1S

Acebeam P20

1 Thank

Coolest: Convoy 3x21D (what a beast for the money)
Best: Wurkkos TS26S, i use it as EDC

2 Thanks

This is a tough one. Lots of cool lights in 2024. Weltool F6R is the runner-up, but the FireflyLite X4 Stellar with the SFT-25R LEDs is my favorite. I love the design how incorporates the diffuser/lantern, and has swappable optics. Good performance, Lume X1 driver, onboard charging, and a compact host.

2 Thanks

Whatever the last flashlight received was, is automatically my Favorite right up until the next tracking number gets posted.
Then it resets :slight_smile:

200 Flashlights can’t be wrong.

4 Thanks

Skilhunt Mix-7 Gen 2 Plus
Sofirn IF23 Pro

These two have been my most interesting and favourite purchases of 2024

1 Thank

Two lights that I got recently - and I really like them both.

Sofirn HS21 - regulated and efficient driver, nice high-CRI Flood emitters, semi-throwing Spot, and the rotary emitter dial with individual memories - rock!

Wurkkos FC11C 5000K - great light quality and tint, simple well-thought-out UI, regulated and efficient driver, and the ability to shrink it to 18350 make it easy to love it. Plus orange with the black stripe (the short tube) and the GITD tape on it looks cool! The rubber switch mod gives it a bit more class.

3 Thanks

Vastlite Sima

1 Thank

My Emisar D3AA using a 4000K Nichia 519a dedomed. EDC it.

I’m waiting for my FFL Comet X4Q (stuck because Canada Post strike…)

1 Thank

Didn’t buy many lights this year. The new favorite is my DIY M21H with XHP70.2 5000K 6V. I’ve owned so many 519A lights and the 70.2 5000K easily impresses me by its sheer lumen output and efficiency. It’s relatively compact and has > 4000 lumens output in a medium throwy beam (default 12 degree bead TIR). The tint is blended well without much yellowing in the corona. Great throw and spill, just an overall really useful outdoor light.

I did lots of outdoor tests. At ~500 lumens, when my 519A lights struggles with heat, this light barely breaks a sweat and just keeps going on.

I also have many other types of lights with XHP70.3 HI and SFT-40. But this one takes the cake for offering the absolute highest efficiency and output with good tint.

2 Thanks

With the 8 amp driver? Wondering how much it heats up vs. the 5 amp version?

1 Thank