Your favorite lights in your collection?

I was reading another post in here about lights that had stood the test of time. Being relatively new to this. I have no lights that have stood the test of time. BUT! I have several favorites. That got me to thinking. Why not posts some faves. Be interesting to see the variations & also be helpful to any new folks to get ideas of some of the better lights out there. Lets have 4 categories. Small, Medium, Large, & Monster. ( 3 choices per venue )These are about personal favorites not performance so no need for questioning anothers choice. Here’s mine…


  1. Solarforce L2N
  2. XinTD
  3. Keygos M10


  1. Skyray King
  2. HD 2010
  3. Trustfire TR-3T6


  1. Blackshadow Terminator
  2. Crelant 7G5cs
  3. Thrunite TN31


  1. BTU
  2. Elektrolumens SARE
  3. TK75

PS… If you don’t share my obsession, just fill in whatever is your fav. No need for three per category. Sorry, had a lot iof coffee.

Is the TK75 much larger than the TN31? I thought they were pretty similar in size?

In any case my fav’s:

Small: SC-52
Medium: SRK
“Large”: FFIV (when I get it!!)

They are about the same size.

Thought so, but wasn’t sure, just had me curious as you had the TK75 listed as a “monster” torch. I guess everyone’s version of monster is different, but I’d classify the SR95UT as a monster :wink:

Edit: I think you got their size classes mixed up :stuck_out_tongue:
Double edit: cheers for the photo mate

if you read the title… It’s favorite lights in your collection. I dont have a SR95UT hence my selection.

small: sc52 & solarforce l2m shorty with vinz xml drop in
medium: nitecore ea4 L2
large: tn31mb
massive: mag458, varapower turbo 3

My favorite lights that get used are:

Tank E09, ITP A3, 2100, X9 and a newly aquired SRK.


M6, MrBulk VIP, ARC LS and a C3 w/ P91 on 14500’s.

Got a pic of the mag458 Paul?

Ahhhh ok, sorry!

No worries mate! You could send me one!! Then I’ll change my perspective!! Lmao :bigsmile:

Taking pics to keep from running out & painting the house……

Large: Jetbeam PA40W

Medium: ThruNite Archer 1A

Small: ThruNite Saber 1A

The Jetbeam is a neat looking light Ezarc

Yeah I know, it feels the best in my hand too.

I like 4xAA lights but the problem with the EA4 was I have big hands and cant hold on to it without covering the whole light. Id have to hold it between my thumb and forefinger like you would with a AA light or something and I assume the new Sunwayman would be the same. On the photo below my hand covers about the whole handle.

I wish there was more like it or a update of a brighter version even though its bright enough I wouldn’t say no to 800-900 lumens instead of just shy of 500.

Still my #1 light.


  1. Olight S10 Baton
  2. Zebralight SC51w
  3. Xeno E03


  1. Nitecore EC25w
  2. Convoy M1
  3. SolarForce P1


  1. Apex 5T6
  2. Fenix TK41
  3. Niteye EYE30

Don’t have any monster yet :frowning:

Very cool little lights… Prolly be one of my next purchases.

Custom MRsDNF pignose
Small Sun ZY-C1

XinTD C8


Most used:
UF-2200, SRK

1. EA4W
2. Sipik sk-68
3. Sky Ray King

1 FireFox’s III
2 Xeno EO3 WW
3 Sk68

1 Neofab Legion IIs HiCri
2 Lambda Hydra NW
3 Lambda Hydra CW
4 ElektroLumens Big Bruiser HiCri

1 Lambda VPT3 SBT
2 Lambda VPT3 Dedomed 4500 SST90
3 Any other Varapower Turbo or VP light
4 ElektroLumens Firesword
5 Xtar D31

Mag64656 275W
Lambda 4XmL Hydra
Kel-Lite 7D

The FF3 is one of the best lights I’ve used at any size and the VPT3 is the best LED light I’ve ever used.

The VPT with a top binned SBT compared to a dedomed Varapower 2000, which is still brighter than about any single led production light at around 1400-1500 OTF and about 90K lux .

VP2K Dedodomed L and VPT3 SBT R
Both directly bonded to massive Cu Heatsinks

My favorite lights that get used are:

ITP A3 & SC-52.