Your favorite lights in your collection?

bwahahaha you’re never gonna live that one down are you Dale?


+1 lmfao


I was supposed to get sorted after luke was born but, well what with work and that I didn’t, then mrs gords got a bit more amenable again and, well * shuffles feet * we picked the wrong time to be friendly, so there’s another flashaholic on the way, at this rate I’ll have my own search and rescue team if I dont get organised lol

You’re a beast!!! 14 stone of twisted steel & sex appeal!!!

dammit man you seriously made me laugh at loud at work

You’re welcome! :bigsmile:

8) no worries brother’s I’m here all night

I am certain that you are… MrsG prolly got a rolling pin on the bed stand

14 stone? 14 STONE? dude im a sleek and streamlined 12 and a half stone nowadays, I have to walk over drain grates with my arms out lol

LMAO… I was wondering when he would catch that…

so which one is your favorite big/monster?

I caught it once then decided it needed a reply, my sleek ass was busy ordering dominoes though lol.

I still keep meaning to post a what do you look like thread, tgen I look in a mirror and decide against it….

LOL @ Gords, yeah… some things are best left unknown.

My Favorite will be the BTU, Second runner up is the Elektrolumens.

At some point I really do need to get my hands on a btu, its about the only large multi emitter light that interests me, particularly since the tk75 turned out to be a bit of a pussies light :bigsmile:

Yep… That should get it started…

Although we shouldn’t pick on people with weak wrists. I am certain they are doing the best they can.


You just stirring the pot gords? Tell me more about this poonlight… why do you say that?

I haven’t seen ILF/aka Brad around lately.