What is your most "fun" flashlight and why? This could be a nice thread to get some of us to find new lights we may have never thought about before.
X80 is my fun light. So many lumens in such a small light with solid rgb colors + uv as well. Puts a smile on my face every time I play with it. Is my go to light when showing to others. Always fun to hear the ooohs and aaahs every time it lights up a forest.
I tend to play with the Q8 or the Jetbeam TH20 the most. Neither one has seen much of any lower modes. It’s full blast or nothing with those two. It’s just so much fun. I also can’t stop playing with that damn Sunwayman V11R. That little magnetic ring thingy is addictive. I also have a $5 green laser that I mess with the horses down the road with once in a while. I have one of those 3D printed lighted moons you see all over BG, GB, and just about everywhere else. Well my neighbor has a real fear of aliens coming to get him. So I put that moon in a fade mode where it transitions slowly through all the different colors. I then strung it up in the woods behind his house and then had the wife call him acting worried that there were strange lights in his woods. He had the whole family up taking pictures out the windows, calling me asking me to come over and back him up if things went down. Oh man, I never laughed that hard in my life. I had to tell him I did it because he was getting his hunting rifle out to shoot it down and the wife would kill me if I ruined her moon.
One of these nights yer gonna get beamed up by the mother ship never to be seen again and neighbors will tell the detectives you were just messing around with your toys again.
Well, I just swapped the HXP35 Hi cold white emmiter for a 4000k in my Wowtac A4 and I can’t put it down. I just randomly shine it outside just to see how much better it looks. Love what it does for the $40 price tag. Nothing exciting but I feel it’s fun.
Also been swapping Osram “Flat Whites” in a lot of my XPL-Hi lights and that is quite entertaining. The throw is amazing from these little emmiters.
@klrman, I wouldn’t say it’s my most fun light, but it’s my High CRI BLF Q8.
Almost same brightness as the stock Q8 with 4000k LH351Ds 90CRI due to using dual BeCu springs, but with a lot more heat.
However, I use it so much now due to the better beam profile, much better tint, and much better color rendition.
I use it outside everyday now that days are very short, so it’s very nice to take pictures with, observe wildlife, and take breathtaking pictures of scenery with it.
Sounds like an interesting mod you did BlueswordM. Q8 is my best utility light as it's built like a brick and lasts a long time on the lower amps. Use it everywhere for little construction projects the last few months. Haven't been brave enough yet to try to reflow an led but soon I will as I have a few lights I really want to change up.
My most fun lights are my UV lights, purple ’501B with UV emitter, and UV version of the S2+ with ZWB2, originally generic black out of the tin but now purple as well.
Sometimes I don’t even wanna know why certain things are fluorescing…