YouTube Videos

Just looked for it, and of course it’s up there! :laughing:

“Imagine it, full of blood”

Don’t Touch Me!!!
And - I’ve got a knife!
All the Best,

and now for something completely different:

Skills With Phil’s Craziest Riding Moments!!

The Wall of Death is the best $4 you will ever spend.Wall of Death | the wildest ride ever - YouTube

I wish Rollerball were a thing.

Fascinating. I did not know that this was a “thing” in the past and there was much competition. I get the thrill, but man… round and round… kinda gets boring, no? And yeah, I’m talkin’ to YOU, NASCAR. :laughing:

They are on the wall with different bikes and even a go cart for short intervals. The bikes are loud and super fast and they come right up to the top of the wall and take tips from the spectators. I don’t know how the drivers don’t get dizzy. I catch the act every couple years at the fair I attend. Probably $6 now. Oh forgot, one of the best parts is where 2 bikes are on the wall at the same time and start crisscrossing at high speed.

3 on the wall Wall Of Death - YouTube

Just add one more, and it’s 4 on the floor. :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

they need 36, NASCAR style.

In the bike world that would be a suicide shift.

And taking the “Wall of Death” into three dimensions.
I give you “The Globe of Death” World record…
All the Best,

And then an inside view, skip ahead to about 1:30m

Entertaining to watch but never try any of his stunts.

Big Clive explores a 9,000,000mAh battery pack

Whoa! That’s like The Bat Man!

Lol, I thought it was superman. When he did the loop it was more like Peter Pan.