YouTube Videos

The Wall of Death and the Ball of Death—those riders all have big balls.

So does ElectroBOOM—well at least until he catches some molten metal arc splatter with his eyeballs. :laughing:

I see Richard is involved in the family business these days

http:/Mons Pura - Processing on Vimeo

It’s all fun and games ’til somebody loses an eye.

Spoiler Alert if you ever want to watch the movie

Even totally “spoiled” I still wanna watch this!

Sounds like a Bugs Bunny movie… from Hell!

now i know why
he laid down the
base layers.


Way way way back in the day, when the WTC was still alive and well, that park that’s right between them where The Occupy People were… was that Trinity Park or something?… anyhoo, on certain days in the late morning through afternoon, there’d be various vendors selling housewares to sox, and street artists like this one, doing their thang.

One of the painters did stuff along this line, lots of space-scapes and such, and all looked incredible. Only thing from keeping me from buying one/more was “Hownahell would I get this home without getting squished on the subway?”.

Man, some of those winter sox I bought there were like wrapping your feet in fuzzy blankets. They kept yer tootsies warm.

One brand was Oneida or Oneonta or something upstate-New-York-sounding. Something with an ‘O’…

I bet Bob Ross would approve.

be amazed

1 Thank

Love this guys videos. Beer, knives, and the occasional flashlight,
All the Best,

And from Boston Dynamics.
One step closer to Judgement Day…
Resistance is futile.

The Birds, The Birds…

1 Thank

Considering that Vladimir Shmondenko is a professional powerlifter, he has a deceptively slight frame. He uses it to his advantage in his YouTube videos, where he plays a Borat-like weakling named Anatoly.

In this one, he dresses like a cleaner, and wanders around the gym interrupting muscle-bound hulks as they deadlift enormous weights. “Is okay?,” he asks. “Can I clean a little bit here?”

There’s more than a bit of Charlie Chaplin in the act. At first, Anatoly bumbles around with his mop, scrubbing the mats near the barbell. And then he decides he must mop the area underneath… and using only one hand, he picks up the barbell the gigantic hulks have been lifting, and casually mops underneath with the other!

Mind-blowing stuff.

Confuse an AI robot!

My new A.I. robot----just built: