It is showing as in stock on this page. Hopefully it works for some.
There’s a discount code listed for it, down on this page:
$ 12.99 code: SDDeal35
That discount code is for the ZanFlare F1, not the ZanFlare T1…
I believe the F1 discount code has a limit of 2pcs per order (per customer?)
The T1 surely is in flash sale with the $14.99 price, better price than the group buy price of $16.99 a few months ago. And seems to have no limit on the number? (at least until the number of pieces in promo get gobbled up… for now, it says “490 pieces left for this promo”)
Oops, correction appreciated.
200 units have been added once more
Ordered a T1 this morning. Been waiting on one of these for a while, actually gave up because they were out of stock for a while. Thanks guys.
Could someone who gets one of these new versions report whether it can still ramp output on the custom CCT setting?
Mine arrived a few days ago, and as far as I can tell, the behavior is as described in that thread.
dayammmmmm all sold out.
Yesterday there are 196 pieces available and now all gone.
I ordered a few units when the T1 became available again. Most of the ones that arrived are still the old version, but there's one that is different. Then I read about this thread for more info about the odd one.
The odd one is the T1 with the new UI as described above.
Some minor differences first:
1) "previous UI" T1:
- the box is printed "battery is not included" ;
- small documentation leaflet
- the included 18650 battery has 5 lobes on positive side, marking on battery says "BFN Li-18650 2600mAh 3.7v"
- default UI (as described in many reviews of the original T1 lantern)
2) "new UI" T1:
- box is printed "battery is included" ;
- documentation leaflet is now bigger (easier to read) and has instructions for 6 different languages
- the included 18650 battery has 4 lobes on positive side (I haven't done capacity test, but the marking looks the same as above ("BFN Li-18650 2600mAh 3.7v")
- new UI (similar as described by link above):
- single tap to turn on neutral-white, another tap to turn on warm-white, another tap will turn off (cycles)
(doing a tap-hold will adjust brightness)
- double tap will go to color ramping (seems to be another mode) -- I can adjust the color temperature, but can't figure out how to ramp the brightness if that's possible at all
* there are 2 saved modes: the neutral-white mode (brightness is saved), warm-white (brightness is saved separate from the neutral-white's brightness level), but the "color-ramp" mode = the color temperature doesn't seem to be saved (and seems to always be in the max brightness level)
Thanks for your report. Too bad they borked them.
I bought 4 of these back in 2018 and they still work excellent. Cant believe the four cost me the same as an LT1. I think I like my Zanflare T1 better. I know some people will hate me for this but I think its true.
Nothing wrong with honesty. I also bought four units back then, but unfortunately one shows a defect where the cool white leds are switched on permanently. Still liking the T1 very much as well! Those were the good old days of Gearbest with Zanflare and other really good deals…
I still don’t get why a lantern costs so much in terms of the ones available now.
My T1 did the same thing ...Day one it lost its ability to change tint colors and of course it is now only cool white .What are the odds ?
the gearbest reps here used to be a seriously helpful resource if you had issues .
When I pmed them and mentioned I had an issue ...they didn't seem all that concerned . I figured I'd just grab another and all CW all the time wasn't the worst thing ever .
Didn't think about them becoming a discontinued item that fast.
Odd that an item which generated such interest gets discontinued without any replacement or fix .
It appears Zanflare doesn’t have any products on gearbest anymore.
Dope looking lantern, hope it comes back
My 2 T1s are used every night and so far still so good. I was waiting for the model w/ the power off button on top to come back in stock but it never did…
Every time this comes up I recharge my 4.
1 works great, even turns off with the top switch
2 works great, just turns off with the bottom switch
3 red only using the bottom switch
4 CW always on full, can add WW using top switch
No F——ing comparison to the BLF LT1