I see that the SC64 form factor is no longer available from Zebra.
I have edc’d one or another Zebralight for about 12 years including my current SC64. I really do like the instant access to dim or bright UI. The body mounted switch also makes it really compact. Output/Size/Runtime are all outstanding.
I don’t plan on losing it anytime soon but should it happen I would really like a backup.
Is there any other manufacturer who has a similar UI?
I have 100’s of 18650 batteries so would like to stick with 18650 lights.
It’s in back-order, they still sell it.
It’s on their website but if you look at the COMPARE ALL MODELS spreadsheet it’s listed as a discontinued model.
They discontinued it because they planed on replacing the LE with a new HI version with Nichia 719A, but since they are not able to get this LED soon they put back the LE on production in the meantime. They probably just forgot to remove it from the discontinued models in the spreadsheet.
That’s a relief!
I would still be interested to know if any other manufacturer makes a light with a similar UI.
And what’s so special about stock Zebralight UI in 2023 anyway? ;)) With Anduril you can access any mode with 1C from off by setting manual or auto memory.
If you like the ZL UI, you just like the ZL UI. Just a personal preference I imagine. You can’t no matter how hard you try, make Androol mimic the ZL Ui. Damn good drivers on those ZL’s as well. Small single emitter lights with that UI and driver is a fine little light in any year.
If you’re up to re-flashing firmware, ToyKeeper has a UI called dark horse (I think) which is similar to the ZL.
It isn’t just the UI, according to samsat in the op. For example, regulated output at somewhat higher outputs matters to me, and others.
The skilhunt m150 has a kind of similar ui, and a very efficient driver. I think the same goes for the 18650 version (the m200) but I don’t own one to vouch for it
New V.3 have different UI (more like Baton) only.
There is a freeman thread here in BLF about driver efficiency - many of the modern light makers have comparable (or even more efficient) drivers in their lineup. High sustained and efficient output is not exactly that unique anymore in 2023 like Quad said. Zebra packaging makes their light dang small though, that’s a plus.
Thanks. Yes the Skilhunt UI looks like it could work. In the meantime Zebra came back to me saying that they expect to release the new SC64c HI (with Nichia 719A) in late May or early June.
That of course will be first prize but I may just see if I can find an M200 at a decent price.
Yes, if a light runs Anduril, it should be able to run DarkHorse, a clone of the ZebraLight UI.
But it’s not very robust. I wrote it as a proof of concept like 5 years ago, and haven’t really kept it updated because people haven’t expressed much interest in it. Specifically, it has a few shortcomings:
- Doesn’t have a multi-target build system like Anduril does, so it’s a little tricky to build for most lights.
- Thermal regulation for it is very primitive compared to Anduril or ZebraLights.
- It clones the old SC62 style UI, not the newer SC64 UI. (so no G6 or G7, only G5)
- No support for extras, like aux LEDs or tint ramping or a tail clicky switch.
So it definitely needs some updates to bring it up to par. It does improve slightly on the original UI though, by making it much, much easier to set sub-levels. For example, instead of 18 clicks to go from 15 to 37 lumens (M2b to M2a), it’s just press, release, press, wait half a second, release. (2C to toggle main or sub mode like usual, but 2H to change the sub mode instead of 12C+).
With a few updates though, almost any Anduril light could be reflashed to have a ZebraLight-like UI or an Olight-like UI… or others are fairly simple to make.
Toykeeper thanks for all that you do for the industry and for chiming in. The main call to action for me and the Zebralights UI is simply the immediate access to high and to low from the off position. I use both of these almost daily. Also their UI in a light not much bigger than an 18650 battery with a great pocket clip and more than enough output is an excellent combination and it surprises me that none of the many other manufacturers have come up with something close to this. I have edc’d this light in my travels all over the world and it has saved the day many times (I guess that could apply to any light that you’re carrying when you need one the SC64 just makes it so easy to do) including during medical emergencies at 30000 feet!
Thanks to everyone for the replies.
immediate access to high and to low from the off position
This is a pretty common feature. Different lights do it in different ways, of course, but it’s one of the main things a bunch support.
The most basic, essential controls seem to be:
- From off: Immediate access to low, med, and high.
- While on: Immediate access to off, up, down, and high.
The way Anduril implements these is:
- 1H: low
- 1C: med (or mem)
- 2C: high
- 1C: off
- 1H: up
- 2H: down (or 1H soon after a 1H)
- 2C: high
… and the user can configure what “low”, “med (or mem)”, and “high” mean. Lots of options for different people with different preferences. Personally, I usually set low to moon, high to the brightest level the light can thermally sustain for a few minutes, and med/mem is … more context-sensitive. I configure it to use mem (last brightness I was using) when the light has been off for 10 minutes or less, so it’ll remember during a single session. Adjust it to whatever brightness I need, and I can turn it on/off with 1 click to use that brightness. But at 10 minutes (timer is configurable and optional), it resets to a default medium level I configured. It avoids surprises, and I don’t have to remember any state from one session to the next.
The way ZebraLight does it is (by default, in G5):
- 1H: low
- 1C: high
- 2C: med
- 1C: off
- 1H: low (or 1H longer for med, or even longer for high)
- 2C: toggle current slot’s primary or sub mode
With G6 + G7, the user can configure the value for low 1, low 2, med 1, med 2, high 1, and high 2. With G5, the user can configure low 2, med 2, and high 2 within a limited range. G6/G7 can, for example, be configured for “1H low, 1C med, 2C high” to give it an interface similar to other lights.
ZebraLight is a little unusual because it has no concept or shortcuts for “up” and “down”, and no shortcut to “high” while on (unless you configured G6/G7 to use 1H for high, but that’s not recommended). Instead, it has a shortcut to low (usually).
not much bigger than an 18650 battery with a great pocket clip and more than enough output
This is more difficult to find. ZebraLight has pretty unusual sculpted single-piece hosts which are smaller than most and have better thermal performance than most… plus uncommonly good ergonomics and often a nice screw-on clip.
However, for about a third of the price, one can get something similar (ish) in the form of a Wurkkos FC13 or Sofirn SC31 Pro. The host quality isn’t as high or quite as compact as ZebraLight, but it’s the same category of light and can generally do more things. So there may be non-ZL options available, depending on how strict the requirements are.
Since we’re just talking about ZL and Anduril I feel compelled to link this masterpiece here, too:
However, for about a third of the price, one can get something similar (ish) in the form of a Wurkkos FC13 or Sofirn SC31 Pro. The host quality isn’t as high or quite as compact as ZebraLight, but it’s the same category of light and can generally do more things. So there may be non-ZL options available, depending on how strict the requirements are.
Great concise summary - very well done.
Those both look like excellent options and would be a good intro for me to Anduril 2.0.
Now to look for the best place to buy them. I know that some of these brands offer BLF pricing.
I feel compelled to link this masterpiece
LoneOceans does amazing things, no? That modded ZL seems pretty fantastic. It’s what a lot of people would consider a “grail” light.
Those both look like excellent options
They’re definitely toward the low end of Anduril lights… but they’re intended to be. The SC31 Pro has a simple FET+1 driver, and I’m not even sure what kind of power circuit the FC13 has.
Also not sure what firmware version(s) they ship with, so it’s possible that some of the most recent features might not be there without a reflash. That’s not an issue for me personally, but it could be a hurdle for someone without the right tools, if they want to install any updates or customize it beyond what the UI provides.
Hank’s lights are generally higher quality and more advanced, and he sells a flashing kit too… but for some reason, he still hasn’t made a light in the SC64 category. I find that unfortunate, because it’s probably the single most practical type of light. If you don’t mind a wider beam though, the D4K is pretty nice. It’s almost as small as a D4, but uses a 21700 battery instead of 18650. So… 5000 mAh max capacity instead of 3500 mAh.
Personally, I like the KR4, which is like a D4 but with a tail switch instead of side switch, and a much nicer clip. It’s even thicker though, and the D4 was already pretty thick to begin with (hence why a 21700 could fit without perceptibly expanding the diameter). Hank likes short and stubby.
LoneOceans does amazing things, no? That modded ZL seems pretty fantastic. It’s what a lot of people would consider a “grail” light.
Absolutely amazing and it is the grail light for me. I might buy the upcoming SC700 with 70.3 HI despite the high price but I feel the UI is kind of a letdown once you are used to Anduril2.
Unfortunately the ppl over at the other flashlight forum are far less open to this wonderful mod, some are even outright denying any advantages.