February 9, 2018, 1:11am
Severe Cold zoomie:
Jerommel’s comments:
Hey guys, i received the ‘Severe Cold’ about a week or two ago.
It’s quite nice for the $11 it costs.They claim it has a XM-L2, but it’s an XP-G2.
The driver is 20mm diameter and has next mode memory.
For the rest, it zooms well from a wide flood to a reasonably tight spot (unlike my $25 Pop Lite ).
The light is not glued (like my $25 Pop Lite ).
The pilar on the pill is a little thin, so i’m replacing it with a wider copper pilar, which is a bit of work…
Not yet sure what LE…
I received mine yesterday, haven’t tried outside. The optic ain’t great, in flood there’s a dark hole in the middle of the beam. Otherwise it’s fair enough.