Emisar D3AA is available now

That’s odd. As default, top of ramp should be the 5A regulated current that the KR4 has

I hope mine’s not got a duff driver :frowning: I was assuming the mule would have the same configuration as the normal one.

I’ve messaged Hank and will see what he says.

Anyone got any other theories in the meantime?

Maybe that your cell is somewhat aged and suboptimal?

Might try different cells

I have!

And besides, the same cells can make my hands melt in about 10 seconds with my D4V2 :smiley:

Ok, it must be something else then

Unless I missed it, I feel like you’re on troubleshooting step #8 without doing #1. Have you done a temperature calibration on both lights?


Morning everyone! Quick easy question: when I received my D4S many years ago I somehow set it up so it’d ramp all the way to turbo. Is this still possible to do with the D4Sv2, K1 and D4tiv2?



I’ve just ordered the KR1. That makes it 3 new throwers ordered in the last 4 days… And I thought my obsession was over,…God have mercy on my soul….

…and your wallet

Oh yes … I will have to sell a few to keep the status quo….

It looks like the D1 is gone from the site.

Is there still a D1S coming? Any estimate as to when it will be available?

Any specifications?

I would imagine that the D1 was replaced by the KR1 that was literally just released.

I always assumed the K1 was the successor to the D1S.

I have the SST40 D1 mini, talk me out of the KR1.

It is not; KR1 if it is the substitute for Emisar D1.

Noctigon K1 is superior.

Wait for Noctigon KR1S.

WF1/2 KR1 will be a much thinner beam than that, with far less spill. If you like what the D1 can do, stick with that. If you want 600m of throw in a light that same size and can live with those downsides then you know what to do…

The k1 throw is similar to the D1 I assumed it was the replacement as well. However, the D1S had significantly longer throw and I thought still might be coming.

Uhhhh what? K1 has more than 10 times the throw of a D1.